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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. Mercy Merch Mercy - Cannonball Adderly
  2. Shotgun Boogie - Tennessee Ernie Ford
  3. I always latch my cases when I close them, even if I'm going back in shortly. And when I carry then, I always put the opening side toward my leg, just in case. That way if the case opens, it will open towards my leg, and I'll have a chance to either save it or minimize the fall. My Jr. High School band director shared that with me, and I've done so every since. Notes ♫
  4. When I was a kid, it was "Hair today, gone tomorrow."
  5. When I was a kid, we had band practice at a friend's house. His mom made cookies, the guitarist leaned his SG against a chair, I put my sax on top of the case and we went into the kitchen. When we got back, the SG slid to the floor and the headstock was folded over like a hinge. It was a sad day.
  6. I'm OK with planes, but not fond of the experience. Back in the 1980s it was a lot easier to fly, the airports were friendlier, they didn't sardine-can you in the plane, and the in-flight service was better. But sometimes it's the only way to get where you need to go. Notes ♫
  7. Blue Monday - Fats Domino double word score
  8. I'm afraid, I'll never get better. I was bald by the time I was 30. I have hats (rock n roll toupees)
  9. Stormy Monday Blues - Bobby "Blue" Bland (The best cover of this T-Bone Walker song I've heard.)
  10. 2018. A year before the dreadful fires. Everywhere I went, the people were nothing but cheerful and polite. On the road they drove the speed limit (not 5 over), didn't use phones, were always courteous. When in my camper van, if I wanted to change lanes all I had to do was put on my blinker, and they would slow down to let me in - every time. Very civilized drivers. Road train drivers signaled when it was safe to pass and slowed down to let us by. In one campground the site was inexpensive but the showers extra. The guy at the counter said the showers are in need of repair, and if I didn't like them, I didn't have to pay. They were rustic, but OK, so I paid. ($4Au). People are ready to smile and talk to anyone. Outside a grocery store, I guy asked me if I liked the camper van rental company, we started chatting and before long there were a half dozen Australians chatting with us and a half hour or more flew by in a most delightful way. Store clerks the same way. Nobody impatient, a pleasant hello and good morning or good afternoon first and then whatever business you had to do. In the Sydney Opera House, we came to a symphony in day clothes, and noticed that from tuxedos to blue jeans everyone was talking to everyone. We had some nice music discussions with a variety of people about the way the music was performed and how the conductor was interpreting the music. Mrs. Notes broke her arm on a trail. She was headed towards the lady's room in the Sydney Opera House, a policeman saw her arm in a sling and escorted her to the handicapped bathroom without being asked. In the outback, if your vehicle is on the side of the road, passers-by will slow down to make sure you are OK. A friendly wave and a smile sent them on their way. When hiking in the outback and other nature areas, locals went out of their way to show us plants and animals and explain about them. I mentioned to one that I wanted to see a saltie (crocodile) and she drew a map to where the crocs hang out when the time changes and starts to go out. They wait there to feed on the fish. We saw at least a half dozen 2,000 lb crocs from a bluff that kept us safe. In 5 weeks, we drove from Brisbane, north to Cape Trib in the N.E. Corner, took a flight to Darwin, got in the camper drove straight down the middle to Kangaroo Island and then meandered to Sydney. We never met a single grouch. Smiles and cheerfulness all the way. They have their political differences, but it's discussed in a level-headed manner, not full of hate and vitriol like it is in the USA. The opposition was just that, not dire enemies that aren't worthy of the air they breathe. I had an occasion when landing, I hate airplane food and kept salted nuts in the pockets of my cargo pants. I claimed them on the form. In customs, the dog smelled my pocket and sat down right next to me. The officer was delightfully pleasant, asking what was in my pocket, I told him salted nuts, his assistant looked it up on the computer, said I claimed them, he asked to see them, and then told us to have a wonderful time in Australia. Asked where we were going and gave us a few pointers. He wasn't "the uniform" like so many of the stern agents in the US. Second one, we were waiting for a ferry and a border control went from car to car in line asking us if we had seen some people who landed in a boat last night. Leilani joked and told them they were under the van. He could tell we were teasing, and we had a nice chat with him. Everyone we met was cheerful, and eager to offer help. I met a couple of people I knew from a guitar forum, and they showed us around for a day, and were delightful. I was amazed by the trip. We saw Kangaroos, Wallabies, Platypus, Echidna, Cassowary, Koala, Dingo, and more, dove the Great Barrier Reef, ate some great food, but the high point of the trip were the Australian people. They reminded me of how friendly and civilized people used to be in the 1950s here in the USA. They consider themselves a classless society, everyone is equal, and it shows. I don't know what the media is telling you, or if thing have changed in the last 4 years, but I found the people much nicer than the folks in the USA. Insights and incites by Notes ♫
  11. Probably move out of the USA to perhaps Australia, continue making aftermarket styles and songbook files for Band-in-a-Box, and develop gig opportunities. At my age, the odds of getting a top 40 hit and going on tour are slim to none. I spent 5 weeks in Australia and found the people to be much more civil and civilized that we have gotten to be in the divided USA. Plus it's less crowded down there, in the north it's a lot like the Florida of my childhood. And they sorta speak English, so I can learn the language there eventually. I love the USA, but between the propaganda stations disguised as news from both the left and the right, we have gotten uncivilized and downright nasty at times. I know they oligarchs figured they could divide and conquer, and that seems to be the game plan. Sorry if that's too political. Notes ♫
  12. The Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys - Traffic
  13. Up From the Sea It Arose and Ate Rio in One Swift Bite - George Duke
  14. I liked it. Reminded me of the 70s funk like The Brecker Brothers
  15. Knockin' on Heaven's Door - Bob Dylan
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