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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. Wings Of A Dove - Ferlin Husky (Country music ain't what it used to be)
  2. Shakin' All Over - Johnny Kidd & The Pirates (covered successfully by Guess Who)
  3. Pavement -> road -> Highway (Besides, I like this one) Highway Star - Deep Purple
  4. For me? Too much to schlep. I have a pair of those workshop clamp-on light fixtures with a silver dome. I put a LED regular light bulb replacement in each, and if the place is too dark, I use them. Of course, it depends on where you are playing. I've never needed more than this. Notes ♫
  5. Hmmm, I didn't get the association. I may be quite dense at times, please explain. So Far Away - Carole King
  6. Yesterday morning, we did a morning gig at a beachside cafe, and a half dozen bikini-clad girls came in for breakfast and danced a bit.
  7. Thanks. I forgot about this song, and probably used some of the dental floss he raised there ? Arizona - Mark Lindsay
  8. I think I lifted that from an old Monty Python routine. Years ago, I had a friend who had every Python LP and delighted in playing them for us. They has some pretty good gags.
  9. Many years ago we learned the Beatles' "Birthday" and it never really went over. People preferred the standard "Happy Birthday" song which through the years we've done as a jazz swing, reggae, rock, country and whatever style. I wondered why the Beatles' version was never appreciated. Then one day it hit me, it's the line "Well, it's my birthday too yeah". A person having a birthday celebration considers it a special day. They don't mind sharing the day with others who were actually born on that date, but not with members of the band and anyone/everyone in the audience who sings along. Now I just strum a Bb7 on the guitar for pitch, Mrs. Notes leads off and the audience sings along. Then, when the song is over, we do a little shtick for some grins, and make people smile. Notes ♫
  10. My newest computer has an SSD. I love it, the computer and apps boot up FAST I use a "Toaster" drive and old fashioned HDs to create disk images. I'm using Acronis but considering switching to Macrium in the future because of the great reviews. I have a two-slot toaster drive, and when doing music or anything else important, I back up to two drives. The nice thing about the toaster is that I can insert and eject and keep a drawer full of backups if I want. Everything important gets backed up twice. I belong to the Department of Redundancy Department. (I don't remember the comedian I stole that from) Notes ♫
  11. Shame I was Chopin early for Christmas in July.
  12. It's all about attitude, and that to me is the right attitude. The most boring song for me to play is the Electric Boogie (Electric Slide). But when I'm playing for the oldest audience in my targeted market, I'll call it at an appropriate time and the dance floor will be filled with people having fun. Then once the ice is broken, the dance floor will probably stay full for the rest of the night. And I enjoy the Boogie, the audience, and what I do for a living. Notes ♫
  13. Thanks for the grins - I remember those days - but now... I live in Florida, no snow - schlepping gear is better than a gym membership to keep in shape I play for an adult audience, rarely past 10 PM. Lately I've been playing outdoors in the afternoon 3 or more days a week. I play in a duo, but we have had to squeeze into to some tiny spots. No need for a FOH sound man Elevators - everything is wheelchair accessible now But we jokingly tell people that we charge people to move the gear, and we play for free. Notes ♫
  14. I remember an interview I heard with Tony Bennett. He was asked if he ever got tired of singing "San Francisco". Tony responded "No! How can I get tired of it? The fans want to hear it, and they are the reason I am living this wonderful life." That's a good attitude. I don't mind playing the same songs over and over, either. I have a life doing music, and nothing but music. To many other musicians, I'm living the dream. If it weren't for the audience, I'd probably be a wage slave for some faceless corporation. Musician? Entertainer? Both. What's worse? Playing "Yakety Sax" again or waking up to an alarm clock 5 days a week doing whatever people do in their day jobs. For me, it's the day job. And I'll mix in the show things that are new and challenging for me when appropriate. It's give and take, I give them what they want, and they accept what I like. Sometimes they end up liking the new and eventually request them. Furthermore, I think when someone has a hit song, they owe it to the fans to play it as close to the recording as possible. The fans are the reason why the stars can make a great living playing music. Insights, incites, and personal opinions by Notes ♫
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