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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. Korg (according to Marvel comics) But can he really stop a drone?
  2. Mosquitoes are definitely flies... Superfly - Curtis Mayfield
  3. True story: Mrs. Notes came from a family of 8 - 4 girls & 4 boys (I got pick of the litter BTW). When they were young, the boys had a running gag by putting "ness" at the end of words. So if you were being fruity, you exhibited fruit-ness. If you were sad, you were suffering from blue-ness. Studying hard for finals gave you a case of burnout-ness Little sister Lisa was an athlete and her nickname was "Pea" So one day, at a ball game, she was up at bat, and without thinking, the 4 boys shouted and repeated, "Give them some Pea-Ness" Then they realized the pun and it got even funnier.
  4. Tim's specs are right so there is nothing to add. And today, most gear just sips electricity compared to the days when we used vacuum tubes that required huge transformers. If you are using a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) a power conditioner should be built in. If you are not using a UPS, get a power conditioner. Your gear will be safer and probably last longer. On stage, a UPS is not practical, so I use a Tripp-Lite Power Conditioner. Insights and incites by Notes ♫
  5. Driving down US1 and getting 3 or 4 green traffic lights in a row
  6. Many of my gig clients pay in cash. I also keep an old-fashioned receipt book with me. I wouldn't put a bank app on my phone. IMO, too dangerous. Hackers, pickpockets, or whatever. If someone gets my phone, they get nothing of value. I also run a business, so none of my Band-in-a-Box customers are on my phone. I knew a friend that had his phone hacked years ago. It took him months to get everything straightened out. Knowing that guy, I don't think he was careless about how he used us phone. So I choose the ounce of prevention. I like technology, but I use it judiciously. BTW, getting in the faster lane in the grocery store is a similar joy. I also do not use the self-checkout. If I'm going to do the work so that they can hire fewer employees, they need to give me a discount. Insights and incites by Notes ♫
  7. Getting in the faster lane at the drive in teller.
  8. I like to listen to symphonies, about a half hour 'songs'. and so on.....
  9. A marriage isn't really successful unitl one of the spouses dies. After all, it's 'till death do us part' ?
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