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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. When I load Band-in-a-Box or a DAW, one of the choices is always the MS Wavetable Synth. I'd just like to know how to access that from a MIDI controller. I'm beginning to think it's not possible.
  2. In my DAW or Sequencer or Band-in-a-Box I can access the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth, but I don't know how to access it directly, without going through another app. I've googled and googled, but I'm not getting any clues.
  3. I have a Korg Nano Key controller. How do I use it to play the built-in synth in Windows? It's MIDI via USB and I can plug it into Windows, and use it to put input into any MIDI app, and then that app will play it in the Windows software synth. (Win 11) But I haven't figured out if there is any way to just access that synth without opening another app. I don't even know if it's possible to directly play that windows synth. Anybody have a clue? Thanks.
  4. I was born in July. So they tell me, I really don't remember being born.
  5. Mrs. Notes' Aunt was born on Christmas Eve. She didn't like it as a child, but as an adult, the extended family gets together for a combination Aunt/Christmas party, and she is pretty much the center of attention. I guess that's delayed gratification.
  6. Happy Birthday Craig!!! (So close to Christmas — was that a good or bad thing — not that you had much choice.)
  7. Wishing you a 100% successful operation and a speedy, complete recovery.
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