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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. Should learn to land, first ↑↑↑
  2. Águas de Março (a.k.a. Waters of March) — Mark Murphy A.C. Jobim standard, done by many, I like this version
  3. For me, it's Screaming Yellow Zonkers
  4. She wouldn't marry the gardener. Too rough around the hedges.
  5. Clap Hands Here Comes Charlie — Chick Webb
  6. Fuzzy noise? Must be a relative to my old PA system.
  7. “There was a sign hanging in the window of a dry cleaner I passed by. It read: 'Jiffy Dry Cleaners. Working on the same spot for 72 years.'”
  8. The new thought-activated car they're working on is going to be even more popular than the voice-activated one. It goes without saying.
  9. If this is a repeat, just consider it rewatering.
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