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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. Number of times my co-worker told me she was a vegan = IIII IIII I Number of times I asked = 0
  2. I figure it this way. What does a cow eat? Grass. Does it defecate grass? No. So it must be nothing more than a grass-storage device. So when I eat that steak, I'm eating a plant-based diet.
  3. I Don't Hurt Anymore — Hank Snow When I was still in high school, I was in a band that played on Sunday Nights - Rock n Roll night - in a country bar in West Hollywood, Florida. It was so country, it had a hitching post out front and the cowboys would come on horseback. They played a lot of old C&W songs on the jukebox. I've heard more of those old tunes than I should have.
  4. Another Day — Paul McCartney (I know, I went for the low-hanging fruit)
  5. Why should you never fight a dinosaur? You'll get jurasskicked.
  6. Living in Florida, I never had a basement to practice in. Florida is too close to sea level for that. I've practiced in carports, and garages though. When I was a student sax player, we watched the house next door for the owners when they were up-north for 9 months of the year. The built the home, hopefully to retire in. My mom got sick of me practicing hours and hours, so she would send me next door. It wasn't bad, the house had good acoustics.
  7. Another Lonely Night — Adam Lambert
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