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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. I played in a band with a guy who had a Cordovox, and it had a nice array of organ-like sounds.
  2. A Real Mother For Ya β€” Johnny Guitar Watson
  3. Sweet Bird Of Youth β€” Nat King Cole
  4. Suite: Judy Blue Eyes β€” CS&N Repeated lyrics: β€œ,,, and you make it hard”
  5. Weight loss pills stolen this morning β€” police say suspects are still at large.
  6. I've made more money playing this song than any other request in my career. "Yakety Sax" gets requested more often, but they don't tip as well. Neither one gets requested anymore. This is closest to the version I do... Night Train β€” The Viscounts When I was 18, I played in a strip club. One of the girls liked this song. It's a good thing the band played sitting down, because if we stood up, my appreciation would have shown.
  7. On second thought. If I won the lottery. β€œMom? Mom who?” But the odds are slim, because I don't play the lottery.
  8. I'd start a retirement village for career musicians who never made the big time. I'd do my best to get rich, famous musicians to chip in, and the rates would be minimal. Depending on how much the Jaggers, Swifts, and Ga-Ga's chip in, the apartments might even be free. The stipulation would be the person should have been a gigging musician for most of his/her life and needs a place to retire. There would be a place for jam sessions, and a lounge open to the public. And, of course, a hearing aid center. Notes β™«
  9. Welcome To The Machine β€” Pink Floyd
  10. Welcome Home (Sanitarium) β€” Metallica
  11. Number of times my co-worker told me she was a vegan = IIII IIII I Number of times I asked = 0
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