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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. From Cabo Verde (I believe). I don't understand one word of the lyrics, but lyrics never mattered to me. I like it.
  2. I started using BiaB when I had an Atari computer. PG Music comes out with a Christmas update every year. It's a good auto-accompaniment software app. I bought it, so I could practice my sax with a robot band. That way, I could try improv things that were risky without embarrassing myself (most of the risky things didn't work out). When PG wrote a stylemaker option allowing end users to make styles, I found a side business. Still doing it, and still loving BiaB. Notes โ™ซ
  3. Urban โ†’ City Cityscape โ€” Michael Brecker & Claus Ogerman
  4. It's actually as sappy, simplistic, and as unemotional as a lot of things that are popular. And like the early CGI images in movies, it'll get better. They want to put songwriters out of work now.
  5. OK, I don't know if this should go in the Pun fred, or the music cartoon fred. But since I'm here...
  6. Grocery stores seem to be in the comedy business...
  7. As a musician, Monday is usually my first day off of the week, technically my weekend.
  8. Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. The ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent.
  9. I had to do itโ€ฆ White Rabbit โ€” Jefferson Airplane
  10. Most people will charge as much as the market will bear. If it costs too much to see them, just don't go. I'm old enough to remember when kids could afford concert tickets. But that was a long time ago. And yes, I'm an old man, still gigging, to senior citizens. I actually chose that market when I was 40. Here in Florida, it's a big market, with much more job security than the bars gave us at the time. And DJs were taking the biz away from live musicians in the young folks' bars. We played Sinatra, Miller, Basie, Ellington songs, and eventually introduced Elvis and the early rockers, as the elders died off and the next generation moved in. Then Beatles, and on and on. When Rap gets to the senior market, I'll retire. I just can't talk that fast. I see no problem with Kiss, Stones, McCartney or any other entertainer still performing. It's not what we do, it's what we are. Notes โ™ซ
  11. Open The Door, Richard โ€” Louis Jordan Louis was a bit of a clown, and a very good sax player. My father used to like this song.
  12. I thought the clown makeup was a good idea. They might not have been noticed without it. Sometimes a gimmick is the difference. Elvis Presley shook his hips, The Beatles introduced long hair on men, Billy Idol wore a dog collar, Alice Cooper cross-dressed on their first album cover then did theatrics, Ozzy went to the dark side, Madonna performed in underwear, and so on. I thought they were a decent band, some good songs, some fair, some I didn't care for. Pretty typical for me, there usually isn't a band that I like everything they do. I never really followed them or bought an album, just enjoyed the songs that I heard and liked, ignored the others. Wearing out their welcome? I don't know if that's it. What are you going to do? Retire? When you gig for a living, especially when you are loved, it's very difficult to give that up. I'm past retirement age, and still gigging 3โ€“5 days per week. Why would I want to stop? It's the most fun I can have with my clothes on. Insights and incites by Notes โ™ซ
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