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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. (Damn This) Traffic Jam — James Taylor
  2. I don't trust people who do acupuncture. They're back stabbers.
  3. Turn it off. Live without it. You don't need it at all. I live in Florida and don't use the AC for a number of reasons: I gig and spend a lot of time doing activities outdoors. Seasonal acclimation is slow. If you live in AC, you will never get acclimated to the heat. — If I lived in an AC refrigerated box, I'd not only suffer more outdoors, but I'd be more prone to heat stroke or heat exhaustion when outside. My electric bills are much lower I'm breathing fresh air, instead of recycled air, slowly getting lower in oxygen content AC units are the biggest residential usage of electricity for most people. The power grid emits CO2, plus the AC unit creates a heat island outdoors. Both of these contribute to global warming, which makes the world hotter. — That means your AC unit has to work harder, which uses more electricity and makes the heat island hotter. — ||: That means your AC works even hotter, heating the planet even more. :|| (repeat ad infinitium.) To cool my home in an environmentally friendly and money saving way, I did this: (1) Painted my roof white. When I was a child in Pre-AC Florida, everybody had a white roof, because it is a cool roof. (2) Planted shade trees all around my house, but not over the roof itself. — The white roof reflects the heat, and the air rises. Then the cooler air from under the trees rushes in to take the place of the hot air. No matter how hot it gets outdoors, it rarely gets over 80 degrees inside. Fans take care of the rest. That's how people in Florida cooled their houses when I was very young, and I see no reason to change now. When I gig outdoors, and other bands are suffering, I'm OK, because I'm seasonally acclimated. Over 99% of the humans who have lived on the Earth did fine without AC, I see no reason for me to live with it. Of course, that's just me. Notes ♫
  4. Exactly. Paying to have a free account fixed raised a big red flag. Now I have a few others wanting to help. I tell them right away, “I know you are trying to make some money, don't waste your time with me, because it's not worth it to me. And good luck to you, we all have to make a living.” They could be nefarious, but they could be just trying to sell their services. After all, that's what I do as an entertainer. I give them the benefit of the doubt, and treat them kindly. Now I'm going to have to delete this account. I may start over in a while, but I'm in no hurry to do so. I have more important things to do with my time, like hanging out in the Coffee House. Notes ♫
  5. Should this go here or the lame music cartoon thread?
  6. Darlin', don't say a word, 'cause I already heard What your body's sayin' to mine I'm tired of fast moves, I've got a slow groove On my mind (Pointer Sisters)
  7. Shoot Out at the Fantasy Factory — Traffic
  8. He wears glasses during math because it improves division
  9. The only META/FB phone number I found was not answered. There is a recording telling you which website to go to for which problem, and when you go there, they give you all the answers to the most common problems. But if your problem doesn't fit in, there is no chat, e-mail, or phone number to get help. Since I can't sign in, I created another FB account. I figured I could perhaps get help if I could log in (silly me). And here is what happened after I signed in. I did a search and got a META help page and got my hopes up! A seemingly nice guy messaged me, and said he could help. He asked general questions, mostly about what I was experiencing, what the error messages said, what steps did I take, and in what order. This went on to the second day. Then he said, he'd have to get some tools and debugging equipment. Sounds good, and we chatted a bit more. I asked him if he could tell why I was locked, and he said I broke a FB rule. I answer that I don't get political online, I try to be nice to everybody, I don't spam, and can't see where I broke a rule. He responded that there are some crazy rules that you wouldn't think were illegal. Then he said, if I buy the tools, I can probably resell them. That's when the big red flag and the buzzer horn went off in my brain. I told him that I know I'm the product, not the customer, and I have no intention of paying for help. I thanked him for his time, wished him luck, and ended the conversation. I don't know if he is a scammer, or someone doing work for hire. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. So it looks like I'll have to kiss my Sophisticats page on FB good-bye. I might make another some day, but right now I'm learning some new songs for our duo. I've wasted too much time on this dog already. I'm glad I was very careful about the information I gave the guy, just in case. As far as I'm concerned, FB is more trouble than it's worth. Hire human help for unusual situations.
  10. I'm addicted to seaweed. I must seek kelp.
  11. I still can't get unlocked. ||: Your account is locked. Do this and you will get unlocked. OK. Now you are no longer locked. Go ahead and log in again :|| repeat ad infinitum. There is zero human help. It's obviously a glitch in the software, so the bots keep thinking they are solving the problem when they are not. I've tried everything I can find, probably spent more time on this than I should have, but now I think it's time to give up.
  12. I went swimming in England and something brushed against my 'eel.
  13. Can't find any help on FB except for bots, that keep telling me that my page is now available, but when I log in it tells me it's locked, makes me jump through the hoops, then tells me it'unlocked, and so on ad infinitum. If the social media contractor for one of the venues that I gig regularly at didn't convince me to join FB, I wouldn't have. And now I know what I avoided FB for so many years. I'm now getting 4 or more e-mails per day telling me I need to unlock my account, which just points me to square on of the endless loop again. My advice is this: If anyone tells you that you have to join FB - DON'T DO IT!!! Do yourself a favor. Notes ♫
  14. Hot Hot Hot - Arrow (The original, not the wimpy USA cover by Johansen)
  15. Still locked out. To add insult to injury they keep emailing me "Reminder to unlock your facebook account" which just puts me through the endless loop again. And for more insults, they are now telling me I have messages, and when I try to log in to read them - you guessed it.
  16. Good thinking, but alas it doesn't work. Plus I'm getting every couple of hours, from FB Hi Bob, You’ve not yet unlocked your Facebook account. Your unlock link will expire on June 27 2024 at 7:20 PM so please log into your account before that. And when I log in, it tells me I'm blocked.
  17. Other than the https://facebook.com/thesophisticatsband site on FB, I wouldn't care one bit if I ever saw FB again. I had notices in my e-mail that I have messages waiting, I logged in, it did the verification thing and locked me out. If it weren't for those messages, I wouldn't care. But it's rude not to answer a message, and it might be someone wanting to hire us. What gets me about FB, is there is zero help. No chat, no phone, no bots, no nothing. No way to get ahold of anyone that I can find, without logging in first, and I can't log in. I'm stuck in a loop, ||: I jump through the hoops, they e-mail me that my account is no longer locked, tell me how to log on with a temporary password, I do, and it tells me I'm locked out again. :|| repeat ad infinitum. I don't give a $#!T about fb, just the potential business contacts. It's very frustrating, and after 2 days of this bullcrap, I give up. I've had a web page http://www.s-cats.com for decades. Anyone can visit it, whether they are FB members or not. You would think that's enough. But the person handling the social media account of the resort I frequently gig at, obviously thinks that there isn't anything on the web but FB ,TikTok, Insta, X, and all the other membership only sites. If I ever meet Zuckerwhateverhisnameis, you can bet I'd deliver a huge sucker-punch and proceed to beat him to a pulp (and by nature I'm not a violent man - but this displays my level of frustration.)
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