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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. i g o t o n b u t i t ' s s o s l o o o o o o o o o o o o o w
  2. Rhythm of the Rain — Cascades I remember doing this song a loooooong time ago, and the guitar player kicking his amp to get the spring reverb to make the thunder sound.
  3. Shout out to people who don't know what the opposite of in is! (A pun isn't a good one until it groans on you)
  4. Girl Talk — Tony Bennet The song has been described by Michael Feinstein as the "last great male chauvinistic song written in the '60s"
  5. I tripped over my girlfriend's bra, seemed to be a booby trap.
  6. Águas de Março (a.k.a. Waters of March) — Mark Murphy Jazz standard by Tom Jobim and done by many. I like Mark's take on it.
  7. My roommates are concerned that I'm using their kitchen utensils, but that's a whisk I'm willing to take.
  8. Thanks. On the list for later. IMO Cole Porter was one of the very best of that era. Notes ♫
  9. My wife told me to stop speaking in numbers. But I didn't 1 2.
  10. It looks like I am not going to be able to get any help to unlock my band's account. I opened a new personal account to try to find help on FB. I couldn't get on with the old one, so it was worth a try. Instead, I got a few people who are willing to help me, but they want money to do so. IMO, there is nothing wrong with trying to sell their services to me, but I don't want to pay to save a free account. It just seems wrong. I've only posted once on the new account, and it was on a Meta help page, where the offers for help came in. Now I'm getting friend requests from dozens of people I don't know. So I'm going to have to close this account. My old band account is still visible, I just can't edit it or post on it. And it has a link to my website where anyone on the web can visit me. So my solution is to either let this one become stuck in limbo, or whatever happens to an unattended account in Facebook. Eventually, I'll make a new band site on FB, but I've wasted too much time trying to fix this one, so I'm not in a hurry to start. I've always questioned why people would want a Facebook Business page, where only FB members can access it, when he/she could have a World Wide Web page where anyone on the Internet can access it, FB or not. But either I'm missing something, or just too logical. Notes ♫
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