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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. That reminded me of this great CD (and here's a cut - the entire CD is nice) Gene Harris Trio Plus One Things Ain't What They Used To Be - Gene Harris & Stanley Turrentine
  2. How about vertigo videos? They tend to make me dizzy.
  3. If a cow doesn't produce milk, is it a Milk Dud or an Udder Failure?
  4. Back in the day, there was a rumor that the words to Louie Louie by The Kingsmen were "dirty" (sexually oriented). As I traveled from town to town different areas had different versions of the 'dirty words'. The FBI spent millions of dollars investigating the 'dirty words' and at the end of spending all that money, they said they didn't know if they were or not. Eventually we were the opening act for The Kingsmen in concert so I asked Norm Sundholm about it. He said that there were no dirty words, Jack was just singing the original lyrics, the mic was too high and he mumbled. He said that his manager was aware of the rumors, and told them to neither confirm nor deny them because it was good for record sales. Back then, censorship was strict, today most of the words I heard as I toured the country would be in tamer rap songs. While on the subject of here is their 'other' hit. "Jolly Green Giant" - The Kingsmen
  5. A man was found guilty of overusing commas. The judge warned him to expect a really long sentence.
  6. Another Star - Stevie Wonder IMO one of his all-time best cuts. And a jazz cover. I've always liked Mr. Harris' touch on the piano.
  7. Becan and eggs may be a chore for the hen, but a total commitment for the pig.
  8. Earthquake - Martha Reeves And The Vandellas Vandella Among the Amharic speakers of North Central Ethiopia, a vandella is one of several types of ghost-walking or dream-invading demons/vampires, somewhat similar to a succubus or the vetala of India.
  9. Aleksandr Borodin - Polovetsian Dances from "Prince Igor" I have this on CD by a different conductor ( Evgeny Svetlanov and the USSR symphony orchestra) and I like my CD version better, but this one is still very nice.
  10. Prince Igor Overture - Alexander Borodin (London Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti)
  11. 5000 hares have escaped from the zoo. The police are combing the area.
  12. Walkin' - Stanley Turrentine I really like how Stanley changed the shape of his oral cavity while playing to get different vowel sounds out of his sax. It makes for vox humana expression. I learned a lot from listening to Mr.T. He's my all-time second favorite sax player.
  13. Future? In The Year 2525 - Zager and Evans
  14. I've just read that all the wildebeest in Africa have been replaced with animatronic copies. Fake gnus!
  15. Answer: The Hunter - Albert King (and covers)
  16. We play a song about thongs and an insect. "Flip Flop And Fly"
  17. Well it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Thankfully I over-prepared. Today I took the storm shutters off, dropped the storm awnings, picked up tree branches, picked up palm fronds, swept up plenty of downed leaves, and ran the generator (it was out, and needs to be started a few times per year). Time consuming, but not hard work. I hope your son fared well in PSL Bill. After this COVID thing is over, if you come down to visit your son, let me know. Perhaps we can meet up somewhere. Notes
  18. She Just Wants To Dance - Keb' Mo'
  19. Here at my estate on Monteverdi I attempted a Liszt of classical composers but had to go Bach because I couldn't get a Handel on it.
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