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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. RIP Janet, you will be missed.
  2. Fever - Little Willie John The original and very different take of this song (with a stage name like that, you can bet he isn't from the U.K.)
  3. When I asked my dog how his day was, he said it was rough.
  4. Sun Ra Visits Planet Earth — Sun Ra and his Solar Arkestra
  5. The first Apple iPhone in France was likened to a Pomme Pilot.
  6. She plays the modern equivalent of 'bubble gum' music. IMO she is a good entertainer, decent singer/musician, but more importantly, she has great marketing. Sadly, that's really what it takes. I don't listen to her for recreation, the songs are too simple to tickle my brain. But then, when I was a kid, I listened to a lot of music that bores me now. Of course, I'm jealous, my wife is a better singer than Taylor is, but she wasn't in the right place, at the right time, and didn't know the right people. The lucky ones know the right people at the right time. Insights and incites by Notes ♫
  7. They aren't all that funny, but they are weird. OK here are the last two.
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