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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. One nice thing about the USA, is there is a climate for just about every type. I love Florida, and don't even use the Air Conditioner in the summer. I painted the roof white, and planted shade trees around the house, but not over the roof. The white roof reflects the hot air up, and the cooler air from under the trees come in to replace it. It seldom gets over 80F in my house, no matter how hot it is outside.
  2. Rock n Roll's very first Guitar Hero has gone to the great gig in the sky.
  3. No, you don't have to like the song, you can even hate it, there just needs to be an association. Here's an example: Jam Up and Jelly Tight — Tommy Roe
  4. That's nacho problem anymore.
  5. Neither can I. Anywhere north of Vero Beach Florida is too cold for me. IMO ice and snow only belong in two places (1) the upper section of your refrigerator or (2) your cold drink. Congrats Shane, I hope it turns out better than you expect.
  6. Roll Over Beethoven — Chuck Berry
  7. My friends say I'm getting fatter. In my defense, I've had a lot on my plate recently.
  8. My friend bought a bus pass to a nude beach. It turned out to be a ticket to no wear.
  9. Cheddar at the thought.
  10. I just have a carport. If my business was more successful, I could afford to build a garage, then I'd be rich!!!
  11. Congratulations. May the happiness and wedded bliss go on and on and on.
  12. The first two years with nuns were OK. Then the figured you reached the age of reason. I was put over the desk in front of the class and paddled more than once. Plus, if I get arthritis in my knuckles, I'll know who to blame.
  13. This picture strikes fear into the heart of this man who went to 6 years of Catholic school. It's worse than a zombie apocalypse.
  14. It's the most fun Mrs. Notes and I can have with our clothes on
  15. I have a love for Russian Classical Music. Some of my favorite composers are: Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsokov, Shostakovitch, Balakirev, Mussorgsky, Borodin, Prokofiev, Khachaturian, Glazunov, Balakirev, Arensky, and a few others. As far as Russian People, the few that I have met have been nice people. In all my travels, I find the world populated by mostly nice people, with, unfortunately, a small percentage of jerks. As far as governments are concerned, I think they serve special interest groups and not the people of the country they lead. Insights and incites by Notes ♫
  16. Groovin With Jug — Richard Groove Holmes
  17. I haven't been to France yet, but it's on my list. I played in a band, here in the USA with a French man who went back to France and became famous, Gilbert Montagne. I've been to Quebec, Canada, which has a lot of French-speaking people, and I enjoyed it. I play in an RV park when man of them spend the winter, and they are a great audience. One of these days I'll get to France. We can only take one vacation per year, and we have been visiting places that are changing rapidly. Before COVID we were planning to go to Madagascar. But we put that off, after the lockdown, and with their internal troubles, it's been put on the proverbial back burner. This year we went to Hawaii, while Kilauea was erupting.
  18. There is more than one way to enjoy music, and there is no wrong way. I've learned the lyrics to a few hundred songs that I sing on the gig. But when I'm singing, I'm in the place where the words don't make sense. They are annunciations, and since I know the subject of the song, I'm trying to emote the melody to agree with it. It's the same when I'm playing the sax, wind synth, or guitar. I'm in that wordless place where there is no space, no time and no me, just the music feeling like it's flowing through me, instead of from me, and the energy from the audience feeding back to me. Some might think I'm weird, and I wouldn't disagree. Notes ♫
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