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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. Another sssslllllooooowwww song done well. There are only two people I know that can make something this slow work this well, Mark Murphy and Shirley Horn. Here is another M.M. and then I'll listen to someone else Again - Mark Murphy
  2. "Walking On Sunshine" - Katrina And The Waves
  3. Mark Murphy took this Michael Franks song and took it to a higher level. Satisfaction Guaranteed - Mark Murphy
  4. Japan is close to China and sometimes Spike Jones is funny (my father used to have all his LPs). This is probably not PC anymore, and no offense is meant by me. Spike took goofing off on the bandstand to a higher level, and they were all good musicians and the arrangements were usually tight. So take it as it was meant, some silliness. Chinese Mule Train - Spike Jones And His City Slickers
  5. For puns, all the groans are good, especially those that are NOT in a good way.
  6. "Subterranean Homesick Blues" - Bob Dylan Lyric association: The pump don't work 'cause the vandals took the handles
  7. "Don't Go To Strangers/Don't Musunderstand" - Mark Murphy These were sung by many artists, I particularly like this version. It's tough to sing a song this slowly with minimal accompaniment and not end up boring listeners like me. The nuances in his vocal style pull it off.
  8. "Long Distance Runaround" &" The Fish (Shindeleria Praematurus)" - Yes I haven't listened to this in years. It holds up well IMO.
  9. Well, thanks to COVID, we didn't play the nudist camp this year, and I think the woman who booked us either died or moved away, as her e-mail gets returned. Hopefully the new manager will give us a call.
  10. Oh Happy Day - The Edwin Hawkins Singers I don't know how this made it to Top40 radio in the USA, but I'm glad it did.
  11. Butthole Surfers The String Cheese Incident Dishwalla The Vibrators Aņåľ Cùʼnť
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