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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. Naming a band goes through these phases: Everybody suggests their cleverest or most artistic name, but since everybody thinks their own name is the best, none of them get picked Everyone is hurt that their name didn't get picked, so to keep from getting hurt again, they submit a silly or stupid name, and it doesn't get picked, but since it wasn't soul revealing, it doesn't hurt Somebody suggests something completely non-committal that neither says anything in particular nor offends anybody in particular, so they settle on that. Nobody is really happy with the name, but they are getting a reputation so they can't change it
  2. Just when you thought itwas save to come to the coffee shop - another music cartoon But too real not to pass up
  3. From the obscure and probably should be forgotten archive: White Silver Sands - Bill Black's Combo
  4. I’m working on a new typeface to be used for church bulletins... I call it "Baptismal Font"
  5. April, 15th - tax day in the USA. The only two things certain are... Sending a big smile up there to you, Bill.
  6. A Real Mother For Ya - Johnny "Guitar" Watson If you look up 'funk guitar' in the dictionary, you might see his picture
  7. I will miss Bill and his sense of humor. RIP buddy.
  8. Shakey Ground - Etta James (my favorite version of this song) Phoebe Snow did a nice job too The original by the Temptations isn't bad either The evolution of a song
  9. Tarkovsky (The Second Stop is Jupiter) - Patti Smith
  10. The shipping is under-rated. Wake up
  11. "Live In A Northern Town" - Dream Academy
  12. @Pragi Jeff Beck and Wes are absolutely awesome guitarists. I watched the video of Jeff Beck live at Ronnie Scott's and my jaw dropped. Being a saxophonist who was lucky enough to play with a number of very great guitarists, I'm not awestruck very easily. I consider Jeff the most technically competent rock/pop guitarist going. The camera people must have played guitar in that video, because they knew where to focus when Jeff was doing superhuman things. Wes has always been a favorite too. I'm OK on the guitar, but it is my 7th instrument, so I'll never be in the same class as the greats. That's OK, as I progress I keep getting better at it, and that pleases me. Jeff @ Ronnie's
  13. Thanks Pragi Another fine bassist and pianist (the drummer ain't bad either)
  14. Die Fledermaus (The Bat) - Johann Strauss II
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