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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. Eddie, My Love — The Teen Queens (Someone is bound to loathe this one)
  2. The moral of the story - don't let the sax player book the band.
  3. We were taught this in drivers-ed. I've never had to use it though. Forgot all about it until you mentioned it.
  4. I'm Into Something Good — Earl-Jean (IMO the better version of this Goffin/King song)
  5. I've been mooned more than once around here. ( ! )
  6. Sister Morphine — Marianne Faithfull
  7. Did you hear about the kid napping? He woke up.
  8. Sugar Town — Nancy Sinatra (No, I'm not posting the video. You're welcome)
  9. Earth Angel — The Penguins (no need to post a video - besides, lunch is on the table, and I have a gig early this evening.
  10. Bye Bye Blackbird - Eddie Cantor (I shouldn't know this)
  11. After the birth of your first child, your role in life will become apparent.
  12. Not considering a move. Coastal South Florida doesn't get as hot as some other places, although it is much hotter than it was when I was growing up here. Upper 80s were uncommon and low 90s were very rare. Now low 90s are not uncommon. But near the coast, there is a sea breeze (wind chill factor). I do combat the heat by allowing myself to acclimate to summer temperatures. I do that by rarely running the AC. Seasonal acclimation takes time and if you live in AC, the summers will feel hotter. So the only time I turn the AC on is when I have guests, or if I'm getting ready for a gig and need to wear a suit or tuxedo. Most of our summer gigs are not formal though, Hawaiian shirt is OK. I painted my roof bright white, and I planted shade trees around the perimeter of the house. The white roof reflects the heat up, the hot air rises, and the cooler air from under the trees comes in to replace it. No mater how hot it gets outside, it rarely gets over 82 in the house. But some fans up for the wind chill, and it's comfortable. Plus, running the AC heats the planet The AC runs off the partially fossil fueled grid, which heats up the climate. The AC creates a heat island which also heats the climate — ||: Now that the climate is even hotter, the AC has to work harder, which heats the climate even more :|| (repeat ad infinitum, getting hotter every repeat) I get cold under 70, so moving to Canada is out of the question. The hottest I've ever been was in Michigan. Driving to the gig it was 107. It never gets that hot in coastal Florida. Oh, I drove through Death Valley once in the summer, but that doesn't count because I was just passing through. From a non-scientific observation, I think for the sake of corporate profits, we are going to heat the Earth to the point where we can no longer grow our crops, and the human race will become extinct. Probably not in my lifetime, but my grandchildren might see the beginning of the end of humanity, and they will blame us for being so wasteful. Insights and incites by Notes ♫
  13. Somebody Done Hoodooed The Hoodoo Man — Louis Jordan
  14. For a fungi to grow you must give it as mushroom as possible.
  15. I Can See Clearly Now — Johnny Nash
  16. Reconsider Baby — Elvis Presley It's one my favorite E.P. songs, with a great sax solo by Boots Randolph (a sax player who isn't on my favorites list). My big sister used to be an Elvis fan and owned this LP. I've since heard the Lowell Fulson original, and I like this cover better.
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