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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. I'd go through this playlist. The plugin boutique course (i.e. Producer Guide) is good also (which I'm not sure if it has been updated with the 2.2 features, I'm thinking it is outdated as it was released right at the time 2.0 came on the scene), but there really is plenty for Free to get started by one of the Co-Devs on the project.
  2. Depends on other plugs you already have. I've personally never been a big fan of the SSL G (from anyone, not just PA) Townhouse is a worthy addition if you don't have a good SSL bus compressor as I think you can use it on just about any project. That said, it isn't worlds different than some of the others, just a different flavor. If you didn't get IK's One for Free, or have Izotope Ozone - I'd think Masterdesk would be a valuable tool.
  3. Quite a few really good deals. Need more vouchers, one just isn't' cutting it. ?
  4. I have EZ Keys as well and have used it a bit. I find the interface a bit clunky by comparison (not to mention it really needs a scalable GUI). You can also use the two products in tandem. Create a basic chord progression in Scaler, then drag those midi files into EZ Keys and apply the "style" to those files. Then export that midi.
  5. Scaler 2 update from Scaler 1. Great value which has seen more updates. No other plug-in or gear purchase has made me want to create music like that one has. Lots of other cool sound manipulation tools but nothing has held a candle to Scaler for inspiration and just wanting to create something.
  6. There are some UI changes (especially on the EQ section) from what I recall. I switched to 9 a while ago and haven't looked back, but it isn't an "upgrade" I would have paid for personally.
  7. Indeed it is. I forgot to mention I also use Boz's mongoose and pan knob I find that helps with the whole headphone mix thing.
  8. Check out the Toneboosters version, it doesn't do the room acoustic part, but it does the eq compensation for a fairly nice list of cans. Demo is free, and the amount of the effect can be adjusted, which I like as I don't usually want 100% compensation bringing the curve to actual flat. https://www.toneboosters.com/tb_morphit_v1.html As someone that owns a few of the cans on the list...way more cost effective solution.
  9. https://bedroomproducersblog.com/free-vst-plugins/bpb-saturator/ BPB Saturator is a freeware saturation effect for Windows and macOS. It uses waveshaping to simulate tube and tape saturation. The plugin also features a pair of transparent filters. We wanted to create a saturation tool that is lightweight and easy to use. Emulate a tube preamp by applying a bit of tube saturation, then simulate passing your audio through a tape machine with a bit of tape saturation. Or, go crazy and boost the input to use BPB saturator as a dual distortion effect. BPB Saturator is the more nuanced follow-up to our BPB Dirty Filter plugin. Whereas BPB Dirty Filter excels at over-the-top distorted sounds with plenty of filter resonance, BPB Saturator can deliver a far more subtle form of saturation. BPB Saturator is available in VST, VST3, AU, and AAX plugin formats for digital audio workstations on PC and Mac. Both 32-bit and 64-bit plugin hosts are supported. Features: High-pass filter (20 Hz – 20 kHz). Low-pass filter (20 Hz – 20 kHz). Tube saturation. Tape saturation. Input volume (±12 dB). Output volume (±12 dB). Available for Windows & macOS. 32-bit & 64-bit compatible. VST2/VST3/AU/AAX plugin formats. Demo video: https://youtu.be/XzOkuHqpHB4 Product page: https://bedroomproducersblog.c...
  10. Probably needed this like a hole in my head....but the other plugin I do use on every project - True Iron - is amazing and I support the "no stupid authorization scheme" of this developer....so $5 spent.
  11. My 2.9.8 player isn't updating via the "check for updates" method.
  12. I think this was posted a while back as I already have it. A no-brainer here. Small footprint, no crazy authorization scheme, sounds great, works on modern (and old) resoltion setups and FREE.
  13. +1 Reverb from last year was fantastic....expectations are high here.
  14. Without going to far down the rabbit hole here....there were 3 Trainwreck amps. Express Liverpool Rocket The express is what most people associate with Trainwreck. The designer, Ken Fischer didn't even like that amp....but everyone kept asking for high gain (this was the 80s) and so he made them. The Rocket was the only amp he kept for himself and the one he kept he nicknamed reality check, and he would use it as a bench mark for amps he would make. It is a much lower gain, much more dynamic and unforgiving amp. It also sounds far better. I've played all 3 and there is no comparision, it is honeslty a shame his legacy is tied to the Express as it isnt' anywhere close to the best amp he built. The liverpool is kind of a middle ground compromise between the two. The Z-Wreck was a Ken Fischer design that he shared with Dr. Z. It isn't a high gain "express" design. It is closer to the ball park of a Rocket, but doesn't require the same level of part tolerences and ear to build. The PA Fuchs Train is Express Territory, which again isn't want Ken wanted, but now what the average person associates with Trainwreck. So yes, the Fuchs is much more "express" if that is what you are looking for. However, I also personally think the Fuch's isn't the Trainwreck sound....Kenny and Trainwreck were synomyous...and that isnt' the sound Kenny loved. He only built 5 Rockets....and something along the lines of a couple hundred Express.
  15. The FLAT WHITE theme from Colin as I've noted in the original thread is one of my favories. This is a fantastic "mod" of that theme to give something diffierent, but similar. Thanks for sharing it!
  16. I can confirm it seemed to fix the resolution issue as stated on my machine...great news. As for the dialog on "best amp sim" in the box. This new AT5 is the only one I've tried that I expect to actually use on productions. Not all the amps are equal, so it can depend on what you have and the sound you are after. The Z-wreck with matching cab is my go-to amp and it is quite sensitve to setup/gain staging so you have to get that right. I can even run boutique pedals into the input before my interface and it takes them about as well as I'd expect software to take them. I sent an example of myself playing through it to a friend that owns the best Trainwreck Amp ever made (long story) without telling him how I recorded it or was getting the tone. His comments were favorable that it kind of sounded like a Wreck, and he is an expert on that subject. Now it doesn't sound like his amp, it doesn't respond like his amp, it does not have anywhere close to the harmonic richness of the amp, but honestly in a mix it is surprisingly good...good enough to actually use when you don't own a priceless amp and want to record at really low volumes without an amp. I'm normally against non-hardware options for amp simulation, but this is the first one that will actually make it into my workflow sometimes if that means anything. But like I said, not all the amps and combinations are "equal" it takes an ear and some know how to get good tone, but I can say it is possible with this software.
  17. It is awesome, but with the lame single authorization seat, many of us do have to pay double to integrate it into our "collection" ?
  18. Thought the same thing, but I do like the option for the "analog" look that holds peaks and displays common frequencies at the bottom. I can see myself using this view for some potential visualization and troubleshooting. Not that the same type of thing isn't available with SPAN using different settings and hovering the mouse....but I think it adds a different option.
  19. I'm guessing the update that will have the resolution fix.
  20. ugh, I didn't realize this process. I grabbed taht one but never ended up installing it, though the 180 days is now long gone. Oh well. Surprised this new one is like 5 gigs of HD space.
  21. Indeed it is an interesting way to do it that I'm not sure I've seen before. I don't even use the "strip" colors a lot but apprecite the simplicity of the BW view as the "fruit loops" track colors can become a bit much over time.
  22. Will have to see how this changes things. Plugin Boutique has become my 1st stop for VST purchases thanks to deals, free with purchase offers (with very low priced options), and a respectable rewards program. Hopefully they are allowed to continue on that front.
  23. With all the tracks / wave forms being black and white, it is an interesting departure from the normal that is for sure.
  24. It seems you will need to set it to a higher resolution. It solved that problem but that means I can't use it when I'm mobile, which in a big part is kind of the point. I have other solutions to record guitar when I'm at a full blown setup. Missing amp problem still persists for me though, and hopefully they address the resolution issue as it makes us all look like first round beta testers with such a glaring oversight. It does sound better than other in the box amp sims I've tried. Have yet to find anything that is actually inspiring to play on the feel front.
  25. Are you on a laptop? If you plugin an external monitor and run at 1920x1080 resoltuion it might work. It seems like they have a design flaw that won't let it run on a 1366x768 resolution monitor which is standard for any business class Lenovo Laptop made in the preivous 10 years.
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