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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. Don't even run at all on my 2nd more modern machine either in stand alone mode and immediate crash of Cakewalk as a VST.
  2. The Tiny Terror freebie isn't showing up in v5 or the Customshop but is still in v4 for me. Other packs are showing up.
  3. I don't own the full strum player (as a guitarist, I'd hope it the the one I'd be least likely to need), but was wondering is it possible go get the midi files from something like Post Rock, like is available presumably to those that do? I didn't see it in the same path as the "cakewalk sonar" version of Strum where they have midi files you can select and then drag to a project. I'd think those would get installed somewhere for the people that have the full Player.
  4. I didn't have an isssue, look thourgh your account as it took me to a page where it says to use a code at Plugin Boutique to get it....they don't just drop it in your account there, extra steps are involved.
  5. Well all limiters are different. Haven't played with this one, but there are certainly things (saturation types and curves) and settings one can set that better serve a voice than some other settings and saturation types. It is simlar to why you see some "vocal compressors" it is usually about optomizing a plugin for ease of use to a particulrar range of the voice. Certainly not necessary, but sometimes such tools can be easier to use to get that sweet spot you are looking for on a given source.
  6. Don't have WUP...so no. Seriusly though, Vocal Rider is more of a gain adjustment plugin, and this seems mroe like a traditional limiter. Haven't tried this yet due to the checkout issues.
  7. This isn't a product release I'd take a vacation day for, but I'd imagine there are those that might and thus becomes a bigger deal if the point of the day was surrounding setting up and playing with it. With a product some people will be paying $300 for you have to imagine there are some hard core fan bois otherwise how could they charge that insane amount of money for software. I didn't see where the offiical launch date was posted, but normally when I see a launch date, I expect it to be within the day of the US calendar day during reasonable business hours. They have the largest "music" related market in the world.
  8. It varies, but you can expect quite a few to no longer be authorized. It is a pain, but for those with limited authorizations I'd suggest de-authorizing before you swap. Some will work just fine without that process if you are putting it back in the exact same machine.
  9. Are you using the newest Sclaer 2.2 that was released yesterday? Also, check your Input on the Labs 1, if scaler is still listed as the midi input and those settings you do have showing are "as is" I would expect it to be recording the notes scaler 2 is outputting on playback/record.
  10. I don't expect it to go under $49 (which is the best it has been for v2). They should have no reason to. But it doesn't provide the same value to everyone, all depends on your needs and workflow. For me, it is one of the only plugins that I say is absolutly worth the normal asking price. Honeslty can't think of any others I'd say the same thing about.
  11. Tons of smart people out there, that doesn't mean they are educated consumers. It isn't about using WAVES and not being educated, it is the WUP program itself that preys on the uneducated consumer. You are clearly educated enough to know you didn't have to WUP, there are lots of people that buy into WUP when coverage expires for no reason other than to be "updated" which doesn't mean things like better compatibility, new functionality, etc to a broad base of users....they do it becuase they are used to software updates that provides those things. I've had more trouble with WAVES than any other plugin maker. Our definitions of unreliable are perhpas different things. When they are working, they are fine. The install, authorization process, and scanning of shells is anyting but a 100% uptime guarantee. I have friends that are "sponsored/have an artist deal" with WAVES.
  12. Yeah, J37 was a hard one for me to give up, I do like it. I use a combo of things. Airwindows Tape isn't the same but surprisingly good when I add it with other things in my chain. Toneboosters Tape is good, but I find I have to compensate for the high end roll off. Honeslty I think there are some better options on the market - IKM for example but haven't seen it go on a real sale outside of the bundle which I don't need all of the different tape machines. NLS was the other hard one to give up, sound is good and the workflow is better than some alternatives for sure. I can't say any that feel like a real 1:1 replacement, but I have found other ones that I think are good enough and use depending on the sound and the project. Plates sounds very good, but so process intensive, I just gave up on it. The Exponential Audio stuff covers most of my baisc reverb needs (though you have to buy two of them or you are also stuck in the 1 seat model), and Arturia EMT Plate whcih was free at one point - is no slouch on that similar concept front. I actually like WAVES Sibilance better than the De-esser. Haven't found a single De-esser that does everything on every source so I use a combination of them. Some are dirt cheap (Hornet), ToneBoosters CM, Airwindows DeBess, Flux Bitter Sweet come to mind.
  13. Only WAVES plugin I didn't find a reasonable replacement for is Omni-Channel. I fully agree they have some good sounding and useful plugins. Curious which one(s) you are clinging to? WUP is a percentage off of the retail price not the sale price, so I've found instead of doing WUP, it makes more sense to just buy another seat for the same plugin on sale if you can't get out of the WAVES system.
  14. Were you actually pulling that down from their servers? I have a decent connection but the download took at least 20 minutes....I think they were getting slammed pretty hard. I'm fairly confident they don't have servers taht can handle 1Gig downloads from a single source connection. With the new sounds I was surprised the install size didn't grow that much. Haven't tested stability yet, but the new featues are most appreciated. (an upright bass would have been killer)
  15. Only thing I'll add is if WAVE Central updates and you add a new pluign to the stable, or they release a new version (v13) and you update. I had v9 plugins die when I added v10. On one computer all v10-v12 worked fine. THe other machine had one v12 plugin that no longer worked. No other hardware, OS or Software changes. Just simlply that WAVES Central and the install/authorization system is not 100% reliable. Yes, there is no reason that they shoulnd't keep working, but I've worked with more computers than the average person and can confirm I've had a bumpy track record with WAVES that I have not had with any other plugin maker. Any change at WAVES has some risk. If you are on WUP they will help sort it out, if you are not, you are on your own.
  16. Yep, they give out quite a few free ones over the years. I've moved away from purchasing them and generally using them in projects. Isn't worth it. As for the number, every professional recording session I've been in uses less than 35 different types of "in the box" effects. Its nice to have an play around with hundreds of plugins (which I have), but there are less than 35 that are actually used on every project "in the box."
  17. I'm an educated consumer and understand the procedure just fine and own 35 WAVES plugins.
  18. Haven't run a test, but when my ears hear "warm" that is usually an indicator something isn't transparent as it is coloring the sound . The question would be how does it compare when it is off? If it is warmer than that, well...that isn't transparency you are hearing is coloration. These plugins should just be a notch filter EQ at 60z and then the corresponding harmonic frequencies. The more transparent ones will simply isolate those key bands (and not the surrounding ones). 60z isn't really in the guitar spectrum, but the harmonic ones are.
  19. So you throw away $240 every year, when you could just buy plugins from someone else? WUP provides no actual value, outside of the plugin scaling that they should have implemented years ago (and is very poorly done, I might add) they haven't provided any real updates in a long time. Certainly nothing worth paying for each year. The system preys on the uneducated consumer and the unreliability of their own product. I've got my licenses on a USB stick. Moving them to a different computer every time I want to use it is a legitimate time wasting hassle, I don't have the extra USB port on the other computer when it is actually being use for music production, so I still have to launch WAVES Central, connect to the internet, transfer the seats to the computer, shut down the computer, go about my business then reverse the whole thing to get them back on the main machine.
  20. Confirmed it works with the free Player. Sounds very nice, though I'd expect most people to use external controls for all sound tweaks other than the velocity curves and the options are limited and those that are there are I'll say limiting. I'm not someone with a crazy amount of pianos...sure I have a few. But given how space intensive they have gotten over the years, I tend not to install that many.
  21. All are fugly and limited to one install. Sure, they sound ok....but as I look down the list most of it is a "nah, I'd never use it" or having something else that was cheap/free that is just as good and not locked to a single machine. But like I said in another post, maybe if you are new to the pluign world it is a good value. Otherwise I tend to think it is throwing $5 for many of us.
  22. Not sure on the system resorces but never thought that one was crazy. It has its own module so it isn't like loading Neutron and having multiple effects going. The RX plugs have individual plugs.
  23. They are all "old" X-hum, you don't already have Izotope RX Elements?
  24. Hoenslty I wouldn't spend $5 on any of those. Maybe if I was starting out and didn't have a number of plugins.
  25. A number of reports suggest the old 32bit RS124 comp actually sounds better than the new one.
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