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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. It shows up now. They might have some glitch or delay for that. It aboslutly was not there right after I entered the "slio"
  2. I couldn't figure out where the serial is in the filesilo. The mag references a specific document that doesn't exist.
  3. Given these are plugins that require you to run at super low latency (to be usable in real world playing), it is hard to overstate how nice it is they require such low CPU - and they sound and feel surprinsgly good. A number of other options on the market are far more taxing on the CPU (and frankly don't sound as good). In my opinion, they are a market leader in this area becuase of that combination.
  4. My main computer for audio production work has more ram but a less powerful cpu. Though I do have a dedicated graphics card. Yeah it isn't a speed machine but albums have been made on less powerful machines. for $160, Seems like a functional machine for some music production.
  5. Depends on the tone you are after. Both of the Fuchs ones sound and respond surprisingly well. I'd call the Overdrive Supreme a little more versitle, but really depends on what you want. Clean tones - love the Overdrive Supreme. But also does mid to high gain as well...but a very compressed gain structure much like the amp. Train II is more low gain all the way up to more gain than anyone should be allowed to use. I'd give them a demo and see what works for you. Those twe are my favorite.
  6. I own 8 guitars and don't even have a tele. Not sure how much you know about the HAAG drum, but there is a fair amount of difference between them. Most are even tuned to a particular scale or melodic idea and are anything but chromatic. (also how many of them work with the Free Kontakt player like the one in the op?)
  7. As someone that has recorded a few hang drums made by one of the most respected names in the biz. I can tell you it isn't exactly easy. They are also rather expensive instruments. So fully understand why there are a few. To be able to get a nice one in the box is a nice to have. They were also pretty trendy not that long ago with super long wait times by any of the top guys.
  8. It is my go-to SSL bus comp. There are some other good ones out there, each have a little different flavor as to be expected, but it ranks with any of them I'd say. I got it so I could never open the WAVES one again and use it on multiple machines. Last time I opened the WAVES one was just for testing to be sure I could stop using it. Haven't looked back, and have no need for another one. It does not sound the same, but it does sound good. $50 is a bit much, but if you have a $25 voucher, that puts it in the WAVES price territory with better authorization scheme and frankly reliability. I won't argue better sound, as they are both soild options on that front.
  9. Nah, you have the wrong tuners. All those in the box ones are spotty. Only the Sonic Resarch Turbo Tuner is good enough.
  10. I'm sure I don't need another compressor but I like what these guys do and the authorization model. Blind buy. Purchased.
  11. So do a lot of other pluign makers. I've never had as many issues with anyone else on the market as I have with WAVES. Very few I'll risk adding to a project these days, wish I'd spent my money elsewhere, as they are practically impossible to sell.
  12. I posted something similar in January (I spent over $80 out of pocket in Dec and Jan). I got my first voucher (and spent it fairly promptly in Feb). They don't seem to formally publish the tiers, but it seems to be spend $50 in the last 6 month or a year as the entry point to get a $25 voucher. They note the process is automated and you may or may not continue to get them month over month.
  13. Note the bottom half of the Audiority one can be hidden when you don't want the extra controls. The pulsar one has some pretty annoying logoing going on all the knobs.
  14. For the Echorec, I grabbed this one instead (no-ilock, uses authorization files instead) and it is one of the most "analog" sounding guitar related in the box effects I've used. https://www.audiority.com/shop/echoes-t7e/ I bought it after getting the Tape Echo thanks to a 50% off sale, and ran the demo. It was quite a bit different (they are based on different delay technolgies).
  15. I thought the same plus I couldn't figure out what format(s) they offer this free one in. Might be cool, but pretty poor website presentaiton of the product.
  16. Ok, that is $300 laptop territory.
  17. I'd do research on the games he wants/needs to play. $1K on a gaming system is pretty crazy. A console system is way less than that, and for a computer system you can run some nice games on a far cheaper system.
  18. If you like Scaler at all...Scaler 2 is a big jump forward.
  19. https://forum.scalerplugin.com/t/good-job-with-the-scaler-2-3-0-update/6374/6
  20. I like my x-touch mini (which ironically I bought to control photo software, not a DAW) but in terms of killer new feature....this is a company built on copying the IP of others at a cheaper price. And the idea of developing anything on the level of Cakewalk in 18 months is just absurdity. I do agree some sort of inexpensive control surface for Cakewalk would be fantastic. As for the ability to run on Bandlab, no need for it personally. Just about everyone owns a laptop these days for some kind of on-the go. Using an android phone is basically a gimic for music production. Sure it can be done, but it is more of an annoyance than it is worth. IMO
  21. uhh....WAVES is worse. I prefer USD via paypal, pm me for where to send it to. ?
  22. If a few button clicks is too much for you, then "testing" plugins should be painful and I'd think you would want to focus on actual music production that would also be painful given the tedious nature of the creation process with a DAW and or instrument. Literally 20 seconds of testing out a plugin has far more movements than in the install process does. Installing one plugin is completly trivial. I've studied human factors and ergonomics, so ironically you picked the wrong person to try to have that argument with.
  23. Just saw that in my inbox too. Super annoying getting a coupn for I product I just paid more for (at Plugin Boutique) less than 7 days ago. ?
  24. Well if you can't afford the $9 (no shame in that) you should stay clear unless you have copious amounts of self control. If you just appreciate the education and experimentation, then a single installer is nothing and that makes getting rid of it after the trial easier. You already have ilok so you can't complain about that. I must own 10 izotope plugins not including the exponential audio ones. Guess what? Never used the manager as that is an extra program that just takes up space, unlike an actual installer for an effect. Perspective is key. If you are looking for legit professional tools for cheap, this is about as close as it gets.
  25. Nimbus is basically Phoenix with more features. You don't need Phoenix for sound/feature reasons. You would have to demo R2 to see if you need it. The way I look at them is R2 and R4 are color reverbs like Lexicon. Not extreme color but you can hear more character to it phoenix/nimbus is more transparent sounding. And has really clean trails. I'm not sure everyone feels like they need both, but I think together they cover all the basic reverb needs, I only look elsewhere when I want more obvious and effect like verb.
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