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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. Yeah they should let you load 20, so you gotta be careful there. They recently ran the unlimited version for $50 (less with jam points) so it might be a little while before they drop it that low again. Don't remember what limitations were on the IRs, I caved in close to release as I what I heard was pretty good and I knew I'd want to capture stuff eventually. Regretfully they dropped the entry tier quickly and then also released the pedal I had to get. So it was a double purchase of sorts and can't transfer as each had a NFR due to combo with hardware.
  2. Brian Walton

    WUP is back

    $34 per plugin is more than retail and this assumes each and every plugin added is one you would have bought. I personally just don't see it as a value proposition.
  3. Click the presets tab in ToneX Then right click and "import preset" Note you can select a bunch at one time on import.
  4. Can't believe I forgot the link! Thanks! He has done a ton of Kemper packs and you can check out his YouTube channel to get a feel for how many amps he owns (he has also borrowed and had some temporarily to capture). I like packs like this because you get a good range of what the amp does and can setup presets to switch between gain levels fairly easily for pedal use. I think IKM didn't do as much of this approach as one might expect even in MaX, with the exception of a few pieces of gear such as a Klon where they ran quite a few different settings.
  5. Ok, that is the spoiler for his April Fools "pay double" sale Legitimate discounts if you use the code though. I had the Trainwreck, but stocked up on the Purple Plexi, Gibson Skylark, and Ampeg 58 Rocket due to the discount. (I'm sure it also applies to his Kemper and Helix packs...but my only interest is ToneX)
  6. This is always the case with loyalty vouchers.
  7. Liverpool 3 is outstanding, but all of those Liverpool ones are excellent (and IMO, better than anything I heard IKM release - and I have MAX). https://www.tone.net/tonex/users/holy_grail ToneJunkie has a Express 60 paid pack I recommend on his website, but he also gave away some samples - note this is a Master Volume Trainwreck which is under the Trainwreck official name/release but it wasn't one of the 3 models Kenny made himself for public sale. https://www.tone.net/tonex/tonemodels/19394 https://www.tone.net/tonex/tonemodels/20155 https://www.tone.net/tonex/tonemodels/20154 (paid version below) https://tonejunkiestore.com/tonexcap/twreck-express-60-tonex-capture-pack (also suggest signing up for his mailing list as he gives away free captures there that he doens't upload to tone net - this includes a full capture of a vintage AC30 from 1966, and I think a 65 Twin Reverb, also a couple profiles of a Purple Plexi and most likley a Express 60 or two) The others are ok, but they are basically Kemper profiles - so you are getting that degridation in there and not the full capability of what ToneX can do with a direct capture: https://www.tone.net/tonex/tonemodels/16116 https://www.tone.net/tonex/tonemodels/11073 https://www.tone.net/tonex/tonemodels/16115 And if you want the Train II sound (but in ToneX pedal form) https://www.tone.net/tonex/tonemodels/19588 Also in the Wreck vein: These of a Dr. Z Wreck Jr. are pretty awesome: https://www.tone.net/tonex/tonemodels/19335 https://www.tone.net/tonex/tonemodels/20768
  8. Have you tried any of the Bass amp captures in ToneX? The PA B-15 can be ok with a good external IR and I always think of these things in terms of the "mic'd" sound instead of the full range of an amp which is a very different thing. I get some use out of the PA V4B , but again external IRs can be helpful in addition to post processing. I like the Train II and was one of the only in the box sims that started to win me over, that said - some actual Wreck captures with ToneX are on a different level.
  9. I'd just use ToneX. There are quite a few excellent AC30 profiles (of different eras). And there are many variations of what an AC30 is. A pre-top boost AC30 isnt' anything like a modern AC30, etc.
  10. I would agree related to types of tone, but frankly in this case - the Bassdude sim just doesn't stack up well as an amp sim. If you can make it sound good, you could certainly make an alternative sound a lot better including one made by the same developer. A Fenderbassman isn't my first amp choice for tone, but I know enough about them to know if it is a good or bad sim. It was a good sim 10 years ago, today it doesn't hold up all that well.
  11. I paid actual money for it previously and honeslty think it is "meh." The bassman Nembrini redid under his own brand is better. For free it is just fine though. I'd also suggest external IRs with it to experiment. Buxom for $10 is lightyears better
  12. Fully aware and the session drummer 3 release still feels insulting to this day.
  13. I just want a resizable interface and a better implemention of chord selections. Also don't want to pay for it, as these should have been implemented from the start. Don't care how it sounds as I just drive other VSTs with it.
  14. It has, haven't tried it yet though.
  15. Finding an exact match can be unlikely. But unless you have a pretty cheap acoustic good chance there is some capture using one of the standard pickup systems. Back to my point two, experiment.
  16. Yes, you will notice in that same thread I also speak up about the fact an IR to work well with acustic is about how well it matches the source (i.e. pickup system used during the capture process and 2nd the response - usually dicated by things like shape, construction and woods of the guitar. What they have done is try to create even more IRs than usual for you to pick from to get that match with more pickups on the market. From their own website you can see how they suggest like I'm also saying, that is quite important If someone isn't getting a ton of IRs, the point would be to make sure they match what you have.
  17. Brian Walton

    WUP is back

    OR....you can simply never WUP as it is a scam no matter how you look at it.
  18. Sadly this isn't the way it works with Acoustic IRs The IR that works best with my Taylor 814 with Matrix pick up could sound like absolute garbage with your guitar (with a different pickup and body shape) Look first for an IR created wtih the exact same pickup system you have, then also experiment. I'd start here and use filters to see what might match http://acousticir.free.fr/spip.php?rubrique2
  19. Download meldas mconvolutionez it is a free ir loader and works great for acoustic IRs, reverb irs, and also any other ir such as guitar and mic cabs. I use the paid mconvolutionmb but the free ez one is great Any IR loader will work, but not all of them are created equal. The Melda ones I like as it is really easy to switch between irs as you preview them, and the latency is next to nothing, and great sound quality that doesn't downsample or truncate
  20. Not risking anything by updating Waves Central? You must be new to Waves.
  21. Most of the prices are still the same, but the did change the SBC ones which were $30 earlier today and are now $40. When PA runs a sale and vouchers - I've learned that you always need to ask fast if there is something you want. I've seen far to many removals of stacking, change in the sale, voucher set to expire. Just like the Monthly vouchers were set to expire today - but were already expired this morning with the replacement of the $20 no min sale.
  22. Looks like zero noise floor to me (outside of the way it may color sound when processing). But there is this analog "switch"
  23. One of my favorite EQs they have. Takes a bit to orient to how it works but I like the results. I paid at least $15 for it and use it all the time even though I have a ton of eq options.
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