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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. Agreed. I have Superior Drummer 2 and didn't even bother to install in on new computer builds and complained that the upgrade pricing was not only limited time but multiple times more expensive than I paid for v2 in the first place. (I have ezDrummer 1 also) I like the IKM group buy but think the pricing is out of line with reality otherwise - they also need to work on CPU efficiency. Something like AT5, Mixbox, Tape, etc are massive resource hogs. That said, I have the vast majority of what they made and I like a good chunk of it. ToneX is a special product, sounds great and pretty good on the resources interface and searching could use quite a bit of work but the core of the product is unique.
  2. I tried a free one and it didn't work, so I ended up doing the buy in just to have them. I'm pretty sure the download was nearly 300GB, which I certainly don't have room for - and haven't used any of them either. Sadly if you don't download them within the period stated you will have to pay to download them at some future state if you do choose to use them.
  3. Don't know but lots of the rack units are quite old. If they do update the host platform that would be expected (and perhpas some gui tweaks to go along with it), but it seems to be the individual units have been consistant for a long time. New modules would certainly be above the $50 level unless we get lucky with a change of pace. More recently releases have been all above $100, so it isn't like you would pick up new tools. When Syntronic 2, old Synthronic 1 codes works for a buy in from what I remember. (they just couldn't be give away codes).
  4. Yeah, but with a retail price of $50 you have to basically be new to the game otherwise there isn't much at that buy in tier. Would be different if it was a $100+ plugin
  5. I thought the same about Omni but switched to Amek 9099 and haven't looked back. the one Waves plugin I'm keeping installed is Clarity Vx. I liked the Abbey Road verb but a bit to hungry and stuff like IKM Sunset Sound replaced that kind of need for me (though yes they sound different)
  6. A little too close to home for some of us where that has happened to individual plugins.
  7. Once you register it the WUP thing starts - they know there is a good percentage of people they will trap into a WUP payment once registered. It cuts down on resale of serial numbers - once registered there is basically no chance of you reselling that code as it becomes worthless between wup and transfer fees They may not be actually changing anything other than putting in that line in the sand on the back end with serials that were previously sent out.
  8. See below (but the main thing is yes, you do need an IR loader option in the singal chain after MTurboAmp but doesn't need to be MCabinet specifically) This. MCabinet is cool and has some sophisticaed IR options. But the free MConvolutionEZ is great as long as you have a few nice Guitar Cab IRs. Built in on that front is a bit limited - but works great with free or paid ones.
  9. I know I got something around 100 things (all the little AT stuff adds up) with multiple buy ins. So that would require a give away every week. ? Would have been nice is those of us that actually bought Tonex got the boogie give away that was directed towards those that hadn't made the jump yet. And I'm betting some bitterness is also coming with the ToneX pedal that is around the corner (which will include a software seat), without additional discounts for those of us that got it with another purchase just after release.
  10. He does as he mentioned the temptation of the upgrade price recenlty to get the ALL bundle.
  11. Even better deal than the release price special (which was already reasonable). Just be aware you will want an IR loader with cab impulse responses.
  12. Proximity is also cool...if they were not so resource hungry I'd use them more ofen than I do. Both can be unique tools.
  13. Likely notification of products removed from support. ?
  14. If you don't have WUP, I'd say any change has a risk factor. I personally did the uninstall for all WAVES shells (in the command center application) and got rid of everything not v14 as I found I was willing to get rid of all waves plugins other than ClarityVx. The others were simply a liablity and time waster on scans. But I only took that risk knowing that CalarityVx was under support coverage and if the others stopped working I wouldn't flip out or even consider buying WUP to resolve it.
  15. I'm curious on the CPU hit. The Mastering EQ is on the high side. This one says it comes with a mono mix version too... so wondering if it is really usable across all tracks and then the mix bus (without a really nice machine)
  16. A finanical decision. TONEX isn't setup right now to offer a "store" to purchase adons. Peter mentioned before that the gear in MAX (such as his old Dumble) will not be available to purchase as a pack/ala carte. So they would need to change the model or simply add to to MAX to encourage people to go "all in" for the whole TONEX package. AT5 is easy monitization. Joe B models for "x" dollars. TONEX is the tech I hope they use, but at the same time have no interest in "Max" prices though I do love the TONEX stuff.
  17. This, the word modeling isn't what I was hoping for in the description - profile with ToneX is what we want. Perhpas as an add-on - or better still - free tone profiles. Yes, they did profile a dumble he used to own (in the max collection) - but 1) he got rid of it 2) he has a lot more in the stable to offer. ?
  18. I'm creating a thread for this one as it seems the original, I used as a platform to mod, hasn't been updated for use in the current version of Cakewalk. You can see the post about where the design came from and a note about some of the modifications, I made to it. I call some of my mods "Pro" because it removes text from the interface that a novice with cakewalk would find helpful. However, those of us that have used the interface for a decade know what the Pro-Channel is, FX bin, Bus Sends, etc so I got rid of that text to clean up the look/distraction. At this point, this interface has become what I think of Cakewalk looking like as I use it so much. When I do a new install, everything looks wrong until I get this transferred over to the computer and therefore, this thread also serves as a "go to" when I need to find the theme to download. ? A few screen captures to give the general idea: AFUI 1.5 - BW Pro_2021-12.sth
  19. This is one to test drive before committing for sure as it isn't a typical fender. I tried and passed on it as I didn't feel like it offered something I personally needed. I do have and use 8 other Nembrini guitar amps, this one just wasn't a standout for me above others.
  20. My primary instrument is the guitar and I'm opening TONEX more than any other amp sim (and I own AT5 - pretty much everything, Plugin Alliance - everything other than the older ENGL and Mesa, Nembrini (most of them), Electrum, Melda Trubo Amp, etc) I do use 3rd party IRs with it (sounds better if you add them in something like Melda's Convolution or Cab plugin) instead of internal. The feel/response and realism I find to be more authentic and dynamic than the alternatives. However, you don't have much natural adjustablity range as the controls (gain, tone, etc) do not reflect what the actual amp does. It is also low on the CPU compared to other options on the market and that helps become a go-to as well. Usually most modelers sound like some ideal version of an amp - there is something about the rawness of the way the resulting profile comes out that just feels more "real" on some level. While it still doesn't respond to volume and tone pot adjustments like the best amps do, I find it does get closer. Many of these differences come down to feel and interaction so some of the elements wouldn't really matter to a non-guitarist. I haven't used many guitar sample packs or synths of electric guitar - in my hands they just don't convince me, but I've heard others get pretty good results. It is also one of the only platforms that seems to keep giving us more sounds and tone - so it becomes as discovery and sound exploration, like trying out a new amp every day.
  21. Audiority did. Plugin Alliance has though not as much as I'd prefer. Boz did for mongoose 2, pan knob 2 Those are off the top of my head...so not unheard of.
  22. Which I'm 100% sure will cost more than I paid for v1 just for an upgrade. I just want a free update with resizable UI.
  23. Most people put the track one either first in the chain on every track or last in the chain on every track. Then put the bus version on your master bus. After that switch between console types on the master bus (assuming you have all the tracks grouped to the same one) to see which flavor you want for your production. Unless you have it on all tracks and have more than a track or two, the effects are going to be super subtle. Each option more or less provides little variations in EQ curves/Saturation/Stereo imaging. It isn't meant to dramatically alter the sound/mix.
  24. I'm partially in that camp, but there are many that I've removed from my computers over 20+ years. Both WAVES and things that have become obsolete sonically.
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