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Heinz Hupfer

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Everything posted by Heinz Hupfer

  1. Hi again:) Cause it's difficult sometimes to work with NUMPAD and Autohotkey (depends sometimes wether NUMLOCK is ON or OFF) i have made you different keyswitches: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Al2mKojzOW0Ml7lcM-gX1LmJiqA1ZQ (not NUMPAD) 7 - octave down 0 - octave up 8 - minor second down 9 - minor second up With Shift 7,8,9,0 you have Audio -3,-1,+1,+3 db Hope you don't need Screensets 7-10! Bassman.
  2. Hi again:) Instead of Snap it's possible to merge all clips together to one clip and then "Delete Silence" with Ripple Edit ON. In conjunction with Keyswitches it should be very fast to do this.. Hope that'll help... Bassman.
  3. HI:) For sure I would prefer Keys which are not used yet in Cakewalk! Autohotkey does override any Keyswitches from Cakewalk, so it doesn't matter which ones you choose.... Bassman.
  4. HI:) https://1drv.ms/f/s!Al2mKojzOW0Ml7lcM-gX1LmJiqA1ZQ Start the .exe in Admin Mode and test it with Cakewalk 1. Select any staff 2. Press AltGr + (Numpad1) 3. The note(s) must be transposed by 1 step I've just made Numpad 1-4 yet, but if it works, just give me 24 Hotkeys for transposing, I'll prefer Numpad + any Modifier (Ctrl, Alt, AltGr, Shift) In the .ahk file you can see how it is done! Bassman.
  5. Hi? Have you ever tried Autohotkey? I'm not on my PC, but tomorrow Morning I can Write a few AHK Scripts for Midi transpose. Greetz? Bassman
  6. Hi☺️ If you select a Clip, you can hear the selected Clip with CTRL+ Space. So it would be faster to do it like that.... Bassman
  7. ? Sorry, ich konnte nicht widerstehn:) Bassman.
  8. Hi:) With "TAB" you walk through every transient of a track! Bassman.
  9. Hi:) This can have to do with Lenses. Just look if you have choosed any lenses activated! Try out to set it to none, maybe then keyboard bindings work.... Bassman
  10. Hi:) http://forum.cakewalk.com/Best-way-to-delete-empty-space-in-a-track-m1715316.aspx http://forum.cakewalk.com/Totally-removing-silence-m364350.aspx http://forum.cakewalk.com/How-to-use-Remove-Silence-m3738155.aspx http://forum.cakewalk.com/removing-silence-m1349819.aspx Hope you can find something usefull, maybe the very first link can help! Bassman.
  11. Hi:) @dcumpian WOW! That's excactly the reason why it changed! I didn't remember that the ModWheel is set to zero at stop. With setting the ModWheel to about 100 the sound stays the same! Thank you very much;) Bassman.
  12. It's not that the selected program is changing, the sound changes, like you turn some OSC off or change the cutoff frequency, but only this one program, no other patches are changed..... Doesn't matter, I'm working with a similar sound and then freeze it with this artic program! That works. Thanks:) Bassman.
  13. HI:) It's an older Synth called Absynth5. I have loaded one sound "arctic strings", but as soon as I hit play, the synth sound changes, but in absynth the same program is listed. There's no midi data on the track, no bank and no program change, even no midi channel choosed, but the sound sounds very different after hitting play. Tried that with perhaps 10 other sounds, it doesn't change, only this artic one. Tried a new project with just absynth in and nothing else... Does anyone have any idea? Never had this on any synth, very crazy. Thanks;) Bassman.
  14. Sounds there is a short delay in the routing! But first look at the Midi input! Can you install Midi-Ox and look what's coming in? Perhaps you have a midi loop created somewhere. Then record a few bars and look at the recorded midi if there are 3 notes or just one. If there is just one note recorded, it must have to do with an audio delay/loopback. Try to increase and decrease your latency and see what happens. Sounds like an effect somewhere in the inserts or sends! Bassman.
  15. WOW Ctrl Key to nudge by an octave, never knew that:( Thanks;) Bassman
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