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Jacques Boileau

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Everything posted by Jacques Boileau

  1. I gave all the info to Hornet support and offered help if I can be of any assistance.
  2. Still no UI for me... Can't test it. ?
  3. And don't forget Craig Anderton's The Huge Book of Cakewalk by BandLab Tips
  4. The new version does no show any UI under Cakewalk for me. The VST window for the plugin is blank, no UI. Does it work for anybody else under Cakewalk?
  5. Anybody know if it works with the free version of Kontakt?
  6. Ha! And you give him credit for that when we all know he subliminaly implanted that idea in the developer's mind? ?
  7. Yep, you're right. And we know they can do better since it is saved in Amplitube. Hopefully they will add this ability in a future version of ToneX. ?
  8. What if the news is of a new version and I bought the old just a few days earlier? Honestly, the fact that it ends just prior to a big annoucement is kinda holding me back honestly. I wonder if I'll be disapointed to have jumped in and realized I should have waited...
  9. I thought this was a good in-depth on the difference between a monitor and a TV. The text smoothing part of the video is the most interesting and can have some effect for a DAW. Not much maybe, but still worth considering. He also goes into what settings to change on the TV for optimal results, a step not to skip if you get a TV for your DAW.
  10. Oh, you were born in the 70's? ?
  11. Dang, I'll go make lots of room on my HDD for this huuuge update! ?
  12. @Bapu Ok, I just finished a call with my bandmate and he has a working DAT. He does not want to sell it but would be glad to lend it to me to do the transfers. His machine is a Sony DTC-A6. I would plug it through my Scarlett 2i4 through the audio inputs. I don't know if there is any easy way to capture the RAW digital output from the coax or optical outputs into a wav to save the DA and AD conversions. If you know how to do this let me know. Of course you must be willing to risk sending the tapes over and accept the risk that I can't recuperate what is on them for some reason like the tapes have gone bad over the years, etc. Anyhow, I'd be willing to give it try, no prob. If you decide to send the tapes over, I will have him do a quick check first that his machine is still functioning correctly before you send anything. And I'll try not to hit that 'Erase' button I see there in the picture! ?
  13. The keyboard player in my band has a DAT recorder, more than one probably. He did some transfers of our old gigs recently, so he is setup for transfers. I'll inquire if he has any to sell or at least if we could do the transfers for you. I'll get back to you tomorrow.
  14. Yep, got it then. So, for those with tons of plugins (nobody on this forum of course), you should check your Arturia account first, you may already have it.
  15. And... both of the latest plugin collective freebies, NI massive and Ozone element, are out of our accounts. Promotion terminated.
  16. But Melodyne in CbB is used for much more than vocal pitch correction. In fact, I don't think it is used for pitch correction if you only install the trial plugin and it ends its trial. Someone may correct me, but it is also used for other Cakewalk functionalities and I don't know how these are performed without Melodyne installed. The two that comes to mind is tempo detection using an audio track. That is when you drag an audio track to the time ruler. And when you want to convert audio to midi. You shouldn't see Melodyne as only a vocal correction tool as it does much more. You do not have to buy Melodyne for this and Cakewalk is not asking you to. Just the free trial version will do the trick. I do own Melodyne, it is installed, so my experience may be different. For me Melodyne is much more than a vocal tuning utility. I used it on many things including bass, guitars, or any other instruments when a small imperfection is detected and access to the performer is not available anymore. Sometimes I use it to simply detect a song's key or chords. But once I got to know all the power of Melodyne, I started to find very useful uses in my day to day work.
  17. Here is what I get from pressing 'v' and '^'. It is the same in Bitwig preset or my Cakewalk preset. So no I guess I didn't change anything. But you are right, the editor does not mention or let you do anything when the shift key is pressed. I just tried it and for the leds for Rec, Select, Solo and Mute, no they do not light up accordingly unfortunately. They are always off. I wonder if it is possible at all to give feedback. And if at all possible, would it then follow when we move the WAI focus?
  18. Sorry, but no! ? Nothing has been moved. What you see in your user area when clicking on 'Looking for your bundled software' has always been there. That was where you would get your serial numbers for your freebies in the past. Btw don't confuse the bunch of free plugins you get when you purchase an interface with the plugin collective, which used to give you a free plugin every few months in addition to it. What would happen in the past is that when it was time for a new freebie, as it was supposed to be yesterday, the old freebie would be removed from your account and the new freebie(s) would be added to it. Then the page shown above would also be updated to promote the new freebie(s) and give the end date of the promotion. Btw, if you didn't collect your monthly (or whatever) freebie in time, you lost it. For example, if you have been the owner of a Focusrite interface before October 6th 2022 and didn't know squat about the plugin collective, you probably missed out on the free Lo-Fi Glow freebie. If longer than that you missed more freebies. You get my point. As can be seen when we read the page I posted above, the current plugin collective freebie was slated to end on January 12th at 4pm GMT and the new one should have rolled in. It didn't happen. Finally: I don't care too much about this honestly. I was just giving info in a thread that I understood the problem and could explain it. I have had a Focusrite interface for 5 years now (few, times flies) and have followed and downloaded every freebie from the plugin collective since then. I assure you, the Focusrite pluging collective does not seem to exist anymore.
  19. Focusrite made it quite confusing. They have had 'The Collective' for a few months now, which is different than 'The Plugin Collective' which they had for years and seems to be gone now. A few years ago the plugin collective would give out a free plugin every month. Then it went to every two months and lastly every 3 months until yesterday when they just took out the page. For your reading pleasure, I have dug up the plugin collective page as it was two days ago. Also note that the list of software listed by @Carl Ewing above is for recent Focusrite interfaces. Older ones (like my 2i4 2nd gen) is quite more limited. https://web.archive.org/web/20221130124256/https://focusrite.com/en/plugin-collective
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