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Everything posted by rsinger

  1. It looks like latencyMon is indicating a problem. What is Wdf01000? The genuine Wdf01000.sys file is a software component of Microsoft Windows Operating System by Microsoft Corporation. The filename "Wdf01000.sys" reflects a specific major ("01") and minor ("000") version of the Microsoft Windows Kernel-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) Runtime, which resides in "C:\Windows\System32\drivers". It runs continually in the background as a Windows service. There are both an "in-memory" and an "on-disk" version. Its function can be compared to that of the Common Language Runtime (CLR) for managed code in the .NET Framework. For kernel-mode drivers that are specifically written to use it, it handles Power Management, Plug and Play, and other aspects of the interface between the OS and a device so that they do not have to be written in the driver. Windows Vista included a version by default. Windows XP and later do not; the package installing a KMDF driver requires a "co-installer". If the co-installer's version is newer than the runtime's in-memory or on-disk version, an update and reboot is required. Check that usb devices are set so they don't power down. Check that your device drivers are up to date. It's not necessarily audio related.
  2. The machine seems like it should be OK. Is it optimized for audio? If it's downloading OS or app updates in the background or doing some other background tasks that can cause crackling/popping and drop-outs. If one or more browser windows are open and videos/ads are being updated, and so on.
  3. I've got both the H3000s and I use the factory a fair amount.
  4. There are MIDI pedals. I use a Roland FC-300, I originally used it with a VG-99 and now use it mainly with an SY-1000, but I also use it when I want to control SW. The Yamaha MFC10 is popular They're not cheap. The Behringer FCB-1010 might be the least expensive. Keith McMillen has the soft step and 12 step and I'm sure there are plenty more. Google midi foot controller.
  5. I picked it up. I like it with celestion G12m-65s in an open back cab as well as creambacks in an open back cab. The IR loader is nice with the nembrini, with the PA I tend to turn off the cab and use TH-U with cab simulation + IR, but with the nembrini I can setup presets and it's easier to switch between programs.
  6. I have the desktop evolver. Fun little unit.
  7. I'll have to take a look at the Nembrini, thanks for that.
  8. I have the PA version - Fuchs ODS 50. I use it a fair amount, it's a nice sim.
  9. No, I haven't tried that. Thanks for pointing it out.
  10. Thanks. I tend to think of tremelo as a change in amplitude as opposed to pitch, but Fender seems to have confused the terms tremelo and vibrato. The Deja'Vibe is a clone of the Shin-ei Uni-Vibe and it looks like that's what AT5 emulated. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uni-Vibe
  11. I've been trying pedals in various amp modelers and Uni-V in AT5 has the same character and seems pretty good.
  12. I have an LP Signature (semi-hollow body) and dovetail joints are traditional on acoustic guitars so I wouldn't be surprised if mine has a dovetail joint, but the neck is glued in place. Dovetail joints are normally glued. Are you sure someone didn't forget to glue it? If the joint is solid, which it obviously is, there isn't a problem with that. A dovetail, unglued, I would expect some sort of release mechanism.
  13. I like Fulltone's Deja'Vibe and record with that when I want uni-vibe. I've noticed a few uni-vibe plugins being released. SW emulations sound awfully good anymore. Are there any uni-vibe plugins that sounds as good as the Deja'Vibe?
  14. Disable indexing and search. Open task manager and see what's going when you get clicks and pops.
  15. If you're from Eventide I like your SW. I already have both Factory and Band Delays ...
  16. If you're using a single amp in AT5 you can save a couple % of CPU if you select a dual routing and then go back to the single.
  17. rsinger

    Windows 10 Pro Question

    Disabling auto updates stops windows updates from downloading automatically. Some software has an updating service. Those need to be disabled individually. I got a new laptop and have most of the SW that's on my DAW installed on it, plus Thunderbird email and it has very low ethernet activity. If I don't start something that uses ethernet, traffic seems to be the typical I'm here stuff - peak may be 10 or 11 Kbs. My DAW is negligible, either 0 or 1%, but that peaks at 3 Mbs. Since it's an older machine if I have 20 tracks or more I may get an occasional pop/click. I'm trying Promidi's advice and am selectively disabling non-essential drivers, but haven't found the problem yet. I only use the net for licensing/downloads so if I can't isolate the problem I'm going to just turn the ethernet off.
  18. rsinger

    Windows 10 Pro Question

    Thanks for the responses.
  19. rsinger

    Windows 10 Pro Question

    I keep my system up to date. I ran task scheduler to disable automatic updates from adobe acrobat and received a lot of errors regarding ASUS tasks. I suspect there was a problem with them when I upgraded from win 7 to 10 years ago and running task scheduler just brought it to light. I think the system was reporting in the background. My DAW is fairly old, but runs fine as long as the network isn't running in the background ...
  20. rsinger

    Windows 10 Pro Question

    I ran task manager and it showed the process as system. That's ntoskrnl.exe. That's a kernel task involved with drivers. It looks like the system was reporting some driver errors I uncovered. I wasn't aware it did that in the background. I use windows defender on my DAW and ran that. No problems. I didn't disable updates, I disabled automatic updates. When an update is available I'm notified and I download and install when I'm ready.
  21. There is only one version I'm aware of and it's free. It sounds like you have snap to grid enabled and set to whole notes.
  22. MOTU M4 on my DAW and Roland Quad-Capture on the laptop. MIDI controllers - Boss SY-1000, Roland GR-55, Cakewalk/Roland A300, Roland SPD-SX, YRG-1000 Gen 2, Korg nanokontrol, Roland FC-300. KM K-Board.
  23. I have win10 Pro on my DAW and auto updates are disabled in the group policy editor and one drive is not installed. While I was working on a project yesterday I started to get some clicks and when I checked the performance monitor there was a lot of network traffic. The only service showing network activity was system. Looking at data usage in settings system shows 3.35 GB. Does anyone know what system is doing on the network? Are there any other settings I need to change? Anything to do short of disabling the LAN?
  24. I'm using a MOTU M4 with my DAW and it's been working fine in a home studio setup. MOTU has an M2 as well which is a little less expensive.
  25. np, glad you figured it out.
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