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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Only got the acoustic piano but love it. Pretty great instrument.
  2. So we can pick one of these: Stereoizer Elements Stereoplacer Elements Monofilter Elements Aligner Jotter SigMod But which one? Already have Aligner, SigMod, Stereoizer Elements and Monofilter Elements. I guess that leaves Stereoplacer Elements…
  3. Already got their LFO pro and Vocolator pro. Gewd stouph.
  4. Welcome indeed @Rob Rayle High time to run Modeler through its paces.
  5. Indeed, this one doesn’t speak to me the way Objekt and Friktion do. Or as Novum, Kult and Abyss. Interesting story about the dev, but the synth is an acquired taste.
  6. I like modeled synths. ReasonStudios Friktion and Objekt are fine examples, and AAS Chromaphone of course, while Pianoteq reigns supreme for pianos.
  7. Thanks, pretty good vids in there. Checked their tutorials for EastWest ProDrummer recently. Nice.
  8. Nice juan, got it as a sibling of Wavesynth Glow.
  9. Nice. Love me some Ueberschall at the right price.
  10. Does anyone else find “Ronan fed pneuma” a peculiar choice of words ?
  11. Fleer

    Considering Bitwig

    Got a free upgrade to 5, so there’s that.
  12. “Yurt Rock is owned and run by Ryan Gruss, who formerly owned the Loop Loft before Native Instruments purchased it.” Interesting. Got lots of Loop Loft back in the day. Good to know the same dedication to great grooves is available at Yurt Rock. Thanks, fpoir!
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