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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. No, @Eusebio Rufian-Zilbermann, this is a different instrument: https://www.gforcesoftware.com/products/m-tron-mkii/
  2. Dang, I need this one. Got their other M-Tron (Pro IV) and it’s pretty amazing.
  3. There’s a reverb in here.
  4. Fleer

    Hardware Deals

    Consider whistle wet.
  5. Synplant is more oriented towards generative AI. Atoms resembles ReasonStudios Friktion or the new bow oscillator in UVI Falcon.
  6. Thanks for the iOS love, Satya!
  7. Sounds pretty good for a horror lib. And it’s Kontakt Player.
  8. Great price indeed for one of the very best synths around.
  9. Heck, it’s a monosynth. I don’t like monosynths.
  10. Did this one ever go so low?
  11. Got this one a few years ago in a 7-in-1 Riffendium bundle. Gewd stouph.
  12. As far as I know these EKX sound expansions in EZKeys2 contain lots of MIDI.
  13. Yeah, I guess the new one is too new
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