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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Wow, a fiver to upgrade from Scaler 1, that must mean Scaler 3 is imminent.
  2. Waldorf is such a unique dev. Already got PPG, Streichfett, Nave, Lector and Largo.
  3. 30% off for 5 days https://www.reasonstudios.com/shop/rack-extension/objekt/
  4. I remember getting these PA plugins for five bucks each. What happened?
  5. Got to be honest I always thought I’d stay clear from anything cruise related, but in this last year a good friend of mine from way back when, and Larry, the Cakies king, made me reconsider. I would never have thought either one of them could fancy this kind of cruising, but hey, there’s obviously fun to be had (and stuff to see). I guess my main caveat would be about the people I’d be forced to be with for a considerable amount of time. Then again, these ships carry thousands. And some among them are called Larry.
  6. Well, this must be the first outing from Black Octopus Sound I actually find interesting.
  7. Count me in. Not for the singing, mind you.
  8. Would love to see this evolve into the preset sharing site of preset sharing sites, the place where you just know you’ll find the highest quality of presets. And with Greg Schlaepfer at the helm, I’m quite confident.
  9. Oops, better get the remaining ones before they pull the plug.
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