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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. For those owning one or more of their plugins. Fredrik Lidström wrote: “I have created a workaround for the unique gift certificate links for those who did not get them. Sign in with your account. (This, of course, only works on an account that owns a Sonic Charge plugin license) Go to https://soniccharge.com/gift2023” I already owned Echobode, so now I got Bitspeek for $3 instead of $33. Eat that, Bapuji!
  2. Altruism and business in one sentence. PC, where are your morals?
  3. Oy, I don’t download them. I don’t install them. I ain’t Bapu.
  4. 40.4.4 and still no way to download without installing, even though this was promised forty virgins, strike that, versions ago.
  5. This proves yet again that devs can get free Kontakt Player serials where they used to pay dearly.
  6. Who else feels these gifts all come with an angle? Get this THEN get this.
  7. Same here. Got them all. All 20.
  8. Downloaded this freebie. It’s not more than 150kb or so.
  9. Shine on, you crazy diamond.
  10. I guess it’s worth $40 but I’m not crazy about them. Maybe because they often do these crazy sales.
  11. Thanks. I’m out then. Until the 15KUCE upgrade goes half price.
  12. Hey, I’m a collector, not a player.
  13. Got another free chunk of Salu. Dreamstate this time, joining last year’s Evolving. Two more years and Salu is mine.
  14. Moreover, 14 has no hard drive.
  15. Which is what I’m doing, in the end. Got 13 KUCE and I’m thinking 15 could be very different, what with the iZotope and Plugin Alliance integration and all.
  16. And this one is still free.
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