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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Does the new Virharmonic (Gorilla engine) indeed use CodeMeter?
  2. Setting aside my WUP-hatred for a moment, that Waves vocal freebie allows for some interesting Soothe2-ish magic. Anyway, got three of them, so I’m good for a few years…
  3. Includes 60 new Wurli V4 presets ! Edith: you mean Mini V4. Me: yep
  4. Lots at $8 or $11, but what to pick…
  5. Boom Library has a number of freebies https://www.boomlibrary.com/shop/?swoof=1&pa_producttype=free-sound-effects
  6. And €24 for the Sordino Strings on their own, 25GB worth. Got it as a Christmas freebie two years ago.
  7. Well, I’ve got it and love it. But I like everything from Artistry Audio. Also got Monolith, Staccato and Origin X, but Scorpio inspires me most. Love the layering and X/Y pad. Nice felt piano too.
  8. For a sampled Wurlitzer, I’ll stick to my AcousticSamples Wurlie, and the Keyscape 200A and 140B.
  9. Registered fine Here, but if Portal goes spinning, I’ll download from my account page.
  10. What do you think about the updated Wurli from Arturia, PC?
  11. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
  12. Yeah, pretty good online mag, though I did prefer the now defunct Soundbytesmag.
  13. Both great bundles. Spaces II is one of my preferred reverbs due to the instrument specific presets. Gewd stouph indeed, Bapster.
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