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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Anyone using Loom II? I have the original but am wondering about the successor.
  2. “Residents of the city were encouraged to drive as slowly as possible” in Italy sure
  3. Was free only for direct customers, now free for all. Be sure to also get SuperMassive en FreqEcho. Some of the best fx freebies around.
  4. When it’s $8 I’ll jump.
  5. You guys are the new normal.
  6. Come to think of it, I still need CineSamples Randy.
  7. But .... but .... we are hoarders
  8. Fleer

    ChordPotion 2

    Waitin’ until Chord Potion Number Nine
  9. Loving most of them, particularly Velvet, Vacuum and Hybrid, but I want that Loom II.
  10. Edith is nowhere to be found when she’s needed, as always. Best check some of those VI Control threads, husker, like this one: https://vi-control.net/community/threads/8dio-silka-vs-insolidus.86746/
  11. Mmmm that Monastery Grand looks mighty fine at 4GB.
  12. Again? But if you haven’t got them, they’re pretty, pretty good.
  13. Primarily vinyl stuff for a lo-fi sheen but apparently less forceful and more laidback than the RC-20, which I probably would prefer.
  14. Meanwhile, more than happy with the Vinyl Strip from AudioThing
  15. Same here. RC-20 for $10. Now please.
  16. Maybe get the AIR Velvet for $14.99 at JRR. Larry has it up in another wonderful post.
  17. Sounds pretty much the same as Blofeld, John. Gotta love wavetables More importantly, it’s much easier to work with than the hardware version. But I agree on the GUI. Great to know it’s NKS compatible.
  18. There are better Rhodes out there, for sure. At low sale pricing, check out the AIR Velvet, the AAS Lizard (now at 50% off) and even the Waves one. If you’ve got Pianoteq, do add their Electric Pianos. There’s even a CP-80 in their free KIViR collection.
  19. Wish they would make more. Also love their Rhodes and Yamaha electric.
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