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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Love this kind of strip, like XLN’s RC-20. Sweet deal, AudioThing.
  2. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/3-Studio-Tools/72-Utility/4434-SigMod?a_aid=4af297e055206 Don’t know why I bought this but I did.
  3. I’m no wupping man and I’m OK
  4. Would like myself a nice set of tools.
  5. A hand made violin from the 1780s?
  6. Indeed. Music is its own reward.
  7. That Analog Mini sure looks good.
  8. Fleer

    Who Is Larry Shelby?

    We Are Team Shelby
  9. KontaktHub has some other sweet freebies too, particularly: + EcliptiqAudio Galactiq + Sturmsounds Droehn + AtomHub Mechaniano no links, no glory
  10. New Sonic Arts Freestyle CM host plugin. Not bad.
  11. Hang in there, ensconced, don’t get caught up in all that prodding and poking. Human interaction is where it’s at, in music and otherwise, even when things seem dim. A hug, a smile, a laugh and a song can do wonders.
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