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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Fleer

    Free Cthulhu presets

    But I deed check da veed:
  2. Fleer

    Free Cthulhu presets

    Not yet, not yet.
  3. from Angelic Vibes https://www.angelicvibes.com/free-cthulhu-chords/?ref=6387
  4. Wish I knew my end date
  5. Vibraphone and Crotales added in Core!
  6. So, are they now charging for the ones that were free before? Not cricket if so.
  7. Need an EdithStayback one, stat.
  8. Yep. Got that Fanfare and love it. This seems to be a combined Kontakt Player subset of Fanfare, Impakt and Rumble. Crazy price.
  9. Opus edition and Orchestrator https://vi-control.net/community/threads/hollywood-orchestra-opus-edition-and-hollywood-orchestrator.92930/
  10. I have one year of Cloud X to activate but still didn’t as I already bought the EW libraries I really wanted. Maybe I’ll just wait until that Hollywood update arrives this fall.
  11. Yeah, more for sketching now, as they have a lot of reverb baked in, compared to their Hollywood successors. But still, many nice instruments in there and solo vocals that didn’t get into Hollywood Orchestra or Hollywood Choir.
  12. They’re still free.
  13. Haven’t got it yet. I do have the IZotope one and Abbey Road Vinyl from Waves. The demo sounds good so I guess I’m dead.
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