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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Unfilter is the most powerful plugin of its kind. If you can’t do it there, you won’t do it anywhere.
  2. Good description, antler. But the presets make it come alive and, sadly, they’re lacking in the demo. However, you can get close to its full power by using the randomizer button.
  3. I will say this: it’s an exemplary wave table synth and it does what Blofeld does, more or less, which is why I don’t go after digital hardware anymore. I mean, you can get the same thing in software (plus a controller if you’re so inclined). Case in point: the Blofeld hardware module is $500. You can get Largo for one twentieth of that princely sum.
  4. Don’t like the sopranos either, but then I’m a bariton with a querflöte
  5. Good thread here: https://www.gearslutz.com/board/electronic-music-instruments-and-electronic-music-production/1315940-just-bought-largo-should-i-keep-blofeld.html#
  6. Wilmaaaaaaaaa! Edith: what?!
  7. Voices of Gaia is a must-have for vocal lovers (like me).
  8. I think I prefer Insolidus to Silka. Or Silka to Insolidus. If that helps
  9. Pretty, pretty good. Some great presets and you can even use other plugins inside.
  10. Read this! https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/waldorf-largo
  11. I was checking out Iridium, but at $3000 it will have to wait Great to read that Largo is the vst version of their Blofeld hardware. Jumping!
  12. Sweet, always had a thing for Waldorf, even their new hardware (Iridium and STVC) is exquisite.
  13. Silka and Insolidus are pretty similar, mind you.
  14. Maybe only for Catalina as far as Macs go.
  15. Yeah, those are pretty much the very same !
  16. You tell him, Christian.
  17. Thanks for this link. Double sources are always welcome.
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