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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. I guess ‘cause it was sold to NI.
  2. Yep, the very same. I got the bundle last time.
  3. Maybe, but it’s not on sale at Slate Digital.
  4. Better watch out for that new Rhodes cummin’
  5. Subscribed! To the TTF channel of course.
  6. There’s a Tiger and the Frog channel!
  7. Yep, Maag is sweet, both EQ2 and EQ4.
  8. Now that Output’s Thermal is drawing attention, Trash2 certainly proves to be at least as interesting.
  9. Good price for a sweet bundle.
  10. I found that if you buy ChannelX you also get the separates. On the other hand, I also found several posts stating that if you’ve got the three separates you simply have to ask support for the channel strip. This was confirmed by a guy from Lindell.
  11. Seems you can ask PA support for a free ChannelX if you have all three separates.
  12. Got the Lindell Audio 7X-500 and PEX-500 for naught. Already had the 6X-500. Thought I’d also get the ChannelX this way but it’s still a $29 upgrade (which is identical to the current sale price).
  13. Just got FabFilter Saturn 2. ‘Nuff said.
  14. I’m thinking Fiedler Stage for a tenner. Or that TE-100 EQ. Or ...
  15. $99 for owners of other stuff.
  16. Pretty women in Moldova, I heard.
  17. What does shebang mean, in fact?
  18. Trying that too. I must have visited the old Cakewalk forum almost continually.
  19. I love it ‘cause it was done in one of my favorite Italian towns.
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