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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Yeah, I like it too. It’s a unique plugin that does exactly what it promises.
  2. As confirmed by Matthew and Frank. Looking good.
  3. But I guess this means we still have to formally “order” new LABS.
  4. Okay, great. Have been looking out for this baby.
  5. Still, it has been a while ...
  6. Early July, going for $159 intro: https://www.emodelrhodes.com/sampling-project-update
  7. Fleer

    Days Won?

    It’s a jampoint thang.
  8. Maybe somebody could knock on his door or give him a ring. Just sayin’.
  9. I did some classes in Rovaniemi, home of Santa!
  10. Yep, that’s at low as she goes I believe.
  11. Got it for less than $60 in March. Most resellers like Time+Space were running it. I got it from a fairly new operation called RecordingSoftware. Edith: https://recordingsoftware.com
  12. Oops. Haven’t tried ‘em yet myself.
  13. Adaptiverb, Objeq, Physion and Portal
  14. Here: http://patrickjonsson.com/library
  15. Hit him with a rhythm stick.
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