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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Mine’s full of moles ...
  2. No need for a lawn, always on the fence !
  3. You’re standing on my coat ...
  4. for that JMJ Equinox feel https://fullbucket.de/music/bucketpops.html
  5. AT. LAST. Already had 2.2 but this one finally allows me to visualize the wavetables.
  6. Which is how I feel about them, sound wise. And GUI wise, albeit less important.
  7. Okay. Got in. My freebies will be the Aphex Exciter and PuigChild.
  8. For me, this is the AAS top three: - Chromaphone: best model for percussion and strings (even beats String Studio) - Lounge Lizard: second best E-piano model (yeah, Pianoteq reigns supreme) - Objeq: creatively does for delays what Adaptiverb does for reverbs
  9. Oh but I do. But for that kind of sound I highly prefer Fazioli.
  10. Only if you like that Yamaha sound, Craig
  11. Manual here. As always.
  12. You. Will. Be. So. Amazed. The great thing is that you can now do the one thing that is simply impossible with samples grands but highly necessary: tinker with those four or five notes in every piano that sound just that little bit too soft or too hard to YOUR ears. It’s amazing indeed.
  13. Where are the $4 deals of yore ...
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