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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. “You may never actually use it though” I should print these words on my drives.
  2. Well said. Personally found no use for Soothe but loooove Gullfoss and Intensity.
  3. I’ll take Loom II is someone takes the other 2.
  4. Love those. Tracks pacer and Spectre are magical.
  5. Waiting for the new Black Box ...
  6. I’m a flautando kinda guy
  7. She definitely likes that Russo guy. Conundrums, conundrums. And some hand percussion.
  8. Okay. So that’s Flageolet Strings at $14. Edith: but then we’re missing out on a $11 freebie ...
  9. Are you serious? Are you? Go out and buy. Now.
  10. Send it back. You’ve got enough.
  11. Looking at Modus by Jeff Russo. Some interesting bits in there.
  12. One license, locked group, two activations.
  13. Nah, I never buy Apple. Too expensive. I get them free
  14. Didn’t find that one. Have you got a link?
  15. True. Made me decide not to upgrade EW Spaces to Spaces 2. With this one and FabFilter Pro-R, I'm set for orchestral reverberation.
  16. Not enamored with Sine myself.
  17. My thoughts exactly. Intel kingdom come.
  18. I guess Paulo hasn’t seen the new specs, blowing Windoze to kingdom come
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