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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Been waiting for this one to drop like forever. Edith: better wait a bit more for the bundle.
  2. I’ll jump, as I only have Viego yet. Go ambient.
  3. Biotek 2 is one of the greatest synths around if you like organic style sonics. Made by that famed Wolfgang from PPG.
  4. Absolutely. Swift and excellent support.
  5. Yep, checked and WTH got it already.
  6. It’s a legal minefield unless they’re preparing to do away with WUP.
  7. Thanks Lars, that’s a Vox (Jaguar) Italian style. My kinda keys.
  8. Slate for classic emu and FabFilter for modern mixing and mastering. Their latest outing Twin3 must be the best ITB analog sounding synth around. How for Pete’s sake did they achieve that sound?
  9. Biotek is from the hands of the “Waldorf” Wolfgang. It’s unique as an organic synth. Not many like that around. So I’m happy they’re still feeding it soundbanks.
  10. As for Waves’ version history, here goes: Version 7=Nov. 2009 Version 8=Jan. 2011 Version 9=March 2012 Version 10=June 2018 Version 11=October 2019 Version 12=October 2020 Version 13=October 2021 (M1) Version 14=June 2022 so I guess we’re up for version 15 ”the one without the Wup”
  11. Yep, native UAD will make ‘em bleed. Some other (major) alternatives: - FabFilter (Total Bundle) - SlateDigital (VMR Rack) but I’d sorely miss my Waves Abbey Road Collection. And maybe those recently refreshed Renaissance plugins. Plus some of the named ones, like Greg Wells and rage beardy Schepps guy.
  12. Apparently the Lindell ones are now M1 compatible. Finally.
  13. Pretty good sound pack launched at $35 (list $50). Another good one is Current Substances. Great to see Tracktion regularly updating their unique Biotek 2 synth. https://www.tracktion.com/products/biotek
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