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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Yeah, the entire Arturia FX collection 3 is pretty good. Plus their newest ColdFire.
  2. Eventide Spring is part of their H9-series (also in the Anthology XII bundle). That series has some other great pedal-inspired plugins like the pretty amazing Blackhole (shimmer style) reverb.
  3. Indeed, still have some serials for bundles like the Abbey Riad Collection and Pianos & Keys. I was going to use them when a new MacOS would force me to (as I don’t WUP). So now this. It’s illegal in the US and Europe, but I wonder whether it’s illegal in Israel where they’re based.
  4. I have an Eventide Anthology XII bundle I’m not using. Includes all 33 plugins. List price $1999, half off is $999, half off is $499. If anyone’s interested, still spensif of course.
  5. Maybe the H9 series and Physion Mk2.
  6. Got the Amek 9099 for $5.99 with code WELCOME-BACK-25-OFF back in July!
  7. Got that Spring Reverb after all. It’s also $11 at Softube. Already had the Tube Delay, Drawmer S73 and the Tsar-1R reverb. Gewd stouph. Not getting the phaser as I still have to get to grips with the Eventide one. Same reason I didn’t get the Clearmountain phaser/flanger from Apogee. I’m sure they’ll be fine, but I’ve got limited use for phasers and flangers. Eventide (and d16) will have to suffice.
  8. Sent them a cease and desist letter ? That'll show ‘em ?
  9. Well, I’ve been keeping several serials of the same plug-in to register when needed so I don’t have to WUP them. This latest move from Waves, apart from being less than legal, is the final nail on their coffin. WOOOOOOPIEEEEEEE. Bye-bye, Waves.
  10. What? First WUP and now this? Okay, got to sell my unregistered serials for the Abbey Road Collection, Codex, Element 2 and all that jazz …
  11. And of course my loyalty voucher expired
  12. Egoïst was the one that caught my attention towards Sugar Bytes. Incredibly interesting dev.
  13. Sweeeeeet! Make this keys addict happy.
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