Eventide Spring is part of their H9-series (also in the Anthology XII bundle). That series has some other great pedal-inspired plugins like the pretty amazing Blackhole (shimmer style) reverb.
Indeed, still have some serials for bundles like the Abbey Riad Collection and Pianos & Keys. I was going to use them when a new MacOS would force me to (as I don’t WUP).
So now this.
It’s illegal in the US and Europe, but I wonder whether it’s illegal in Israel where they’re based.
I have an Eventide Anthology XII bundle I’m not using. Includes all 33 plugins. List price $1999, half off is $999, half off is $499. If anyone’s interested, still spensif of course.
Got that Spring Reverb after all.
It’s also $11 at Softube.
Already had the Tube Delay, Drawmer S73 and the Tsar-1R reverb. Gewd stouph.
Not getting the phaser as I still have to get to grips with the Eventide one. Same reason I didn’t get the Clearmountain phaser/flanger from Apogee. I’m sure they’ll be fine, but I’ve got limited use for phasers and flangers. Eventide (and d16) will have to suffice.
Well, I’ve been keeping several serials of the same plug-in to register when needed so I don’t have to WUP them.
This latest move from Waves, apart from being less than legal, is the final nail on their coffin.