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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. If anyone’s interested to get my unregistered Abbey Road Collection (all 12 plugins) at cost for $150, better be quick.
  2. All three look, and sound, pretty pretty good. Kult takes a lot of space though. For me, these Dawesome synths are among the best available now.
  3. Discount code: STPATRICK23 Let's hope it also works on those exquisite Dawesome synths (Abyss, Kult and Novum).
  4. Yeah, got the first one. Really nice.
  5. These are absolutely lovely. Got them all. And recently got that Emerald Flute from LibreWave on top.
  6. Interesting. (Edith: strike that. Only got RX9 and RX10 in their standard hues).
  7. Seems like Stutter Edit of sorts.
  8. And it’s from BigWerks. Quality dev.
  9. Better get 8TB. My 4TB has not much left.
  10. Nice one. Great dev, already have some of his libraries and they’re pretty good (Nordic Cello and Nordisk Kontrabass).
  11. The One and Only. My desert reverb.
  12. Got this one last year. Behemoth synth from Copenhagen with some superb FX.
  13. If I’m not mistaken, these libraries used to require Kontakt (full) so now they run on the dev’s own (free) player. Would prefer if he’d offer us the choice, though.
  14. Cool. Great dev. Already got: - Sordina - O'Malley's Irish Whistles - Michaela's Harp Gewd stouph indeed.
  15. He’s an Italian Italian from Italy. (Heck, I looooooooooove Italy)
  16. Haven’t tested it yet, but so jumped ‘cause of their Ruletec Pultec.
  17. Think so. Also gone at Gearslutz.
  18. Found it: https://vi-control.net/community/threads/mystery-strings-legato.136521/#post-5294036
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