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Starship Krupa

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Everything posted by Starship Krupa

  1. The closer one stays to an ecosystem the greater the chances of compatibility I'd think. My guess is that S1<>REAPER via DAWProject might stand a better chance of arriving with PreSonus Plug-in Extension API-specific information intact due to REAPER being a host that also makes use of the PreSonus Extensions API. We may be focusing on and making a bigger deal about what happens with FX plug-ins than the expected use of the format warrants. To the extent that I use plug-ins during the tracking phase of an audio project, they're typically not in the critical path (comfort reverb, maybe some compression on backing tracks for easy monitoring). Mixing and mastering is when the plug-ins go on. An amp sim might be an important element while tracking but not much else I can think of at the moment. I'm with you all the way on DAWProject being for one-way trip workflows. I can think of why some people might want to try going back and forth, but it seems like asking for trouble.
  2. My favorite (maybe little-known) way to quickly switch to another tool and immediately come back to whichever one I was using is as follows: Assuming that you're using the Smart Tool and you want to momentarily switch to the Move Tool, press and hold F7*. While holding F7, do whatever moving tasks you wish, then release F7. The tool will switch back to the Smart Tool. It also of course works for any other pair of tools; for a track with phrasing issues you might want to start with the Split Tool then quick swap to Move, repeat until you have it sounding in time with the rest of the music. It may feel a little stiff the first half dozen times you do it, but once you get the muscle memory, you'll probably be able to fly. (*this assumes standard SONAR/CbB bindings, so unless you're really attached to your custom ones, maybe re-import the SONAR bindings from the Keyboard Shortcut prefs. or set up some new ones for the tools) As @David Baay said, the Smart Tool can do different things depending on where you click, so it could also be an opportunity to print out the page of the manual that has the diagram for that and get to learnin' it.
  3. I did some digging and PreSonus and Bitwig have DAWProject on GitHub. @azslow3, you may find it interesting. I'd love to hear what you have to say about it if you take a look under the hood. PreSonus have a page that points to developer resources for ARA and other extensions to the VST spec that they are involved with. I'm especially intrigued by the PreSonus Plug-In Extensions. Among many other things, it seems to allow VSTi's to report to the DAW what articulations they have available. I'm impressed by how cozy Studio One seems to be with certain manufacturers' plug-ins (specifically brainworx/Plugin Alliance), and now I know what's behind that. Kudos to them for putting the extensions out into the wild for everyone to use. Cakewalk has a proud history of embracing stuff like this (ARA, Groove Clips), and I'd love to see that continue with Cakewalk Sonar.
  4. I wish that it hadn't gotten less interesting lately. Custom theming was one of my favorite features of Cakewalk. Here's hoping that Cakewalk Sonar brings it back.
  5. Just guessing, this is probably where the process is running into trouble. Either that or the switch in time signature.
  6. Indeed, a long-requested feature. You can search for the topic and add your .02.
  7. Pretty simple idea: I'd like to have my list of track templates appear in the Browser. Dragging a template from the Browser to Track View would create a new track using the template. (I suggest this not only because I think it's a slick idea, but also because I personally don't make enough use of track templates. In the heat of battle, I forget that they are there. Making them front-facing would help me make better use of them, in more than one way.)
  8. I have not tried it. It would be hard to test due to the fact that BandLab's servers are still authenticating Cakewalk by BandLab installations. Also, I don't think anyone's really going to need it. Anyway, CbB tries to connect. If your system isn't connected to the Internet, how would the program know that it's not whatever date you tell it? If it last talked to the server on October 24, 2024 and you pull the network cable out and fake the date to December 24, 2024, won't it believe that its authentication hasn't expired? I mean, if CbB is able to contact BandLab's server, BandLab would have to make it so their server actually disables it for it not to keep working. CbB is capable at this time of running on systems with no internet connection whatsoever. Not sure how it works, but supposedly you can run a program on a different system that is connected to the Internet, get a validation hash from BandLab's servers, and then use that code to reset Cakewalk's countdown. I doubt that anyone will ever need to try these shenanigans because I don't believe that BandLab intends to deliberately disable operation of CbB. If I'm wrong about that I'm wrong.
  9. Since so many of their products fall into my "the last thing I need is another X" where X=compressor, EQ, channel strip. I only ever took advantage of in the Mega sales with no minimum spend on the vouchers, and around the time of the last one, it was almost impossible to find anything I really wanted, all I did was fill out my quiver of Unfiltered Audio stuff.
  10. At Walmart.com of all places. I was at GC the other night looking for replacement earpads for a set of Sony MDR-7506 that I had snagged in the "free" box at a yard sale and took the opportunity to try out various studio cans. My favorites turned out to be the K240's. I'm a headphone 'ho, I have a few of the traditional studio faves, ATH-M50x, Beyer DT880, Superlux 681, but my favorite of the ones I listened to at Guitar Center was the AKG, so I'm getting a pair of those. $55 for brand new seems like a steal. BTW, when (not if) you need to replace the pads on your MDR-7506's (or any other headphones), my favorite pad replacements are the Krone Kalpasmos Instant Chill, which have a layer of memory foam and a layer of gel on top of that. They improved the MDR-7506's sound by bringing the drivers closer to my ears and sealing against my head better. I had found them lacking in the bass dept.
  11. As I remember pointing out years ago, if BandLab's authentication server ever goes offline, you can set your Windows system time and date or run a program like RunAsDate to make CbB think that your authentication hasn't run out. d00d, I am 3733t! I haxx!
  12. Works with Live Lite. So says Ableton's site. Yummy.
  13. Oh, I'm getting that for sure. I scored a Wacom tablet at Salvation Army for $5, that rare thrift store Wacom that still has the stylus with it. Also always open to checking out video editing software. It occurs to me that a Humble Bundle of Cakewalk Sonar and Next would be a cool way for those products to be introduced....Humble Bundle seems to be a way for companies to get people on their platform and hence the upgrade train. I've spoken with so many people who got their creative software from there, especially younger people.
  14. Okay, that's one thing. Discontinued. No more development, no more support, as eventually happens to most software versions. And that's entirely another. Where/when did they specifically mention that "it will not be for long?"
  15. ?‍♂️?‍♂️ Maybe it's not a good idea to throw your projects into the path of such an obsolete piece of software. I think what has happened is that you have found the limit of backward compatibility. So now you get to choose: do the (doubtless many) benefits of opening a newly-created Cakewalk project in a version of the software that was deprecated 6 years ago outweigh the risks?
  16. De gustibus. Read between the lines in my entries to the "favorite '80's era guitarist" topic. Notice how there is only one single overlap with anyone else's choices? The way I see it, music is a form of communication. Not everything everyone says, no matter how well-received by others, is going to resonate with us, especially given that we (as musicians) are more tuned in and passionate about music. There are some artists that many friends of mine (and musical artists whose work I love) worship like gods that I've just never been able to connect with. The fact that I just don't care for what they do seems to really rub some people the wrong way. Captain Beefheart and The Jesus and Mary Chain are two that come to mind. As an indie/postpunk musician, you're supposed to revere Captain Beefheart. I notice that none of my friends ever seem to put his records on to listen to, but still, he's a "genius" in the canon of those genres. Whatever, he just doesn't do it for me. I was a shoegaze guitarist in the 90's, that was my last band, and again, Jesus and Mary Chain were canonical geniuses in that genre. I couldn't stand to listen to them. My signposts were Lush and My Bloody Valentine. De gustibus non est disputandum: in matters of taste there can be no dispute.
  17. Adrian Belew played some pretty tasty shizzle in the 1980's as well.
  18. The issue is certainly never with the comprehensibility of the posted questions.....
  19. We need to know what other system components your system has. What CPU, how much RAM? Also, what is your goal in wanting to upgrade the component? Do you only use it for DAW work or are there other things you want to speed up? DAW work doesn't put too many demands on system graphics. Past the point of about GTX 550 or so, a newer video card isn't going to show you any performance gain for DAW use. For more recent CPU's than about Sandy Bridge or so, the internal graphics are plenty. There should be no difference between any of the "latest cards" for DAW work. Depending on your system's other specs, there could be things that would show you a performance gain if you updated them. Graphics, not likely, unless you want to do some gaming. The only reason I'm using the GTX 1070 instead of my passively-cooled GT 1030 is that I play games.
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