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Starship Krupa

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Everything posted by Starship Krupa

  1. What Lynn said. Not difficult to nail with any number of free synths. You'll likely find something similar in Swatches. I'm sure that freeware Vital has something like that, and there are multiple pads in the aforementioned Xpand!2 that can do it. There's a whole category for Bright Pads. Don't neglect the idea of adding your own FX and EQ; an EQ with an "air" band can help bring that iciness out in front.
  2. Lemme know what you think of the plug-in. I was turned on to it by a person on this forum who posted his song. I don't remember his name but his vocals reminded me somehow of Eddy Grant. I liked the song and asked him how he had gotten it to "sparkle." There was an attractive (but not obnoxious) sheen to the mix. He knew right away what I was talking about and said it was due to his application of the SPL Vitalizer plug-in. One of the few brainworx stalwarts I had yet to pick up during a MEGA $25 no minimum sale. How I miss those, they were like getting a Xmas stocking 3 days in a row. Plug-ins instead of Viewmaster reels, though.
  3. Indeed, and I wouldn't suggest that anyone use a program in that condition. It would be putting your system in the hands of an anonymous person who has put a great deal of effort into violating a licensing agreement and enabling others to also do it. Seems....fraught with potential for danger. I've personally cleaned up the results of a friend's son having rendered his laptop unusable due to his use of cracked music software. Since it was the same computer that he was supposed to use for school assignments and entertainment, he was hurtin' for certain. It took me hours to get a clean Malwarebytes test from the thing.
  4. I wonder if brainworx will be issuing it in plug-in form. I freakin' love the current Vitalizer plug-in. It's my favorite pixie dust.
  5. This seems like it could be a...um...vital instrument to acquire.
  6. If "they" don't, perhaps someone else will. Personally, I see little advantage for them to break Cakewalk by BandLab. The only possible upside is to coerce people into switching to the payware version. But people don't like to be coerced, and the ill will this would generate would likely cause a serious backlash. Ask Waves about the dangers of perceived coercion and resulting backlash. Better to have Cakewalk be the 6 year loss-leader that it was, and simply attract people to the new Sonar with look, feel, and feature improvements. I'm confident that for regular users of CbB that the new Sonar UI will be reason enough to invest in a license. I also doubt that they will be gouging for license fees, The existing userbase consists of a lot of frugal (and/or just plain broke) people, myself included, who were initially attracted to the program because it was free. I seem to remember talk of a tiered licensing of some sort. Perhaps there will be a stripper version of Sonar that only comes with the plug-ins that currently ship with CbB, and a premium package that will include some of the Cakewalk-branded plug-ins that once shipped with SONAR Platinum, such as the LP EQ's, full CA-2A, Session Drummer, Rapture, Dimension, etc. The promo picture shows the LP EQ's in use, so there's a possible clue. Re-skinned VST versions of the sonitus fx suite would be yummy as well. There's still Cakewalk IP that BandLab paid for that is (so far) going unused.
  7. I've seen that happen with other VST3's. Sometimes (not always), if the folder has the extension .vst3, Cakewalk won't find it. In the cases I've seen, just changing the folder name to remove the .vst3 part fixed the problem. Since it seems to be localized to Cakewalk (Mixcraft finds the DLL just fine?), maybe report the issue to the devs, post in the Feedback forum?
  8. No personal experience, but opening them in the current Cakewalk by BandLab might work. Tried have you?
  9. https://www.audiocheck.net/index.php Lets you test things like headphones' reproduction of binaural, your frequency range, ability to perceive differences in distortion, bit depth, delay, etc. Take the tests, see if your ears still have it after so many years of hard use. Find out possible flaws in your listening environment. I was pleased with the results of most of the tests, no unpleasant surprises and some pleasant ones. @bitflipper and @John Vere, I'm curious what y'all might have to say about it.
  10. Another great way to free up space on your drive is to right click on the drive's icon in Explorer and select Properties. In properties, there will be a button for Disk Cleanup. Run that process, including Clean System Files. For instance, I just did it on this very laptop and reclaimed 3GB of space. The bulk of the reclaimed space comes from Windows' update's delivery optimization files, which are no longer needed once an update is successfully applied (why they keep the files around is beyond my understanding, but I've never had an issue with cleaning them up). There are also various options in Windows' Settings under System/Storage. Take care here, because it will offer the option to delete everything in your Downloads folder, which you should manage manually.
  11. If your issue is that you want to be able to revert back to the pre-bounced state, just Save As your project under a different name before doing the bounces. That way you'll be able to go back to the state before you bounced just by opening the project.
  12. Need to know: what is your audio hardware device? Onboard sound or external? If external, what brand and model? Troubleshooting takes different paths depending on this. PC specs would also be handy, but the most important factor these days is the audio hardware. Also, what driver modes are you attempting to use? ASIO (if it's a good external interface), WASAPI Exclusive or WASAPI Shared? The remaining options should not be used.
  13. Good sense of intuition there. First: switch over to the Focusrite ASIO driver and see if your issues go away. If they do, then you have your own answer. Second: if your reason for wanting to use ASIO4ALL is to be able to use multiple audio devices at the same time, Windows' native WASAPI Shared will do it easily, and is fully supported in Cakewalk. The introduction of WASAPI made ASIO4ALL effectively obsolete. It does nothing that WASAPI can't do, and WASAPI is fully supported by both Windows and Cakewalk. ASIO4ALL is actually just a front end for the obsolete WDM, it only exists to help programs that don't support WASAPI (like Ableton Live 11).
  14. When you say you "quantized" the tracks, what process did you use? There are multiple ways to adjust drum timing. If you quantized the tracks individually using an automatic process, it's easy for them to get out of sync, because different instruments in the drum kit will have different transients for the process to detect. I've never done it myself, but I think the way to do it is to make a tempo map and apply it to all the tracks. Someone other than I will be able to tell you how to get started with that.
  15. https://www.meldaproduction.com/MFreeFXBundle This excellent free bundle includes (among 36 other useful FX and utilities) an Autotune-like plug-in, MAutoPitch. If you download the bundle and like what you see/hear, sign up for their newsletter and get a 10 euro credit. Combine this with a referral code (if you need one, go to the Coffee House/Deals forum here and ask), and you can upgrade the MFreeFX Bundle to the "pro" version for about $10 total. The plug-ins in their free state work just fine, the upgrade enables some extra features. For 10 bucks, though, very worthy purchase.
  16. They look a lot like the Superlux HD 681 (aka PreSonus HD7, Samson SR850), but with a closed back (which makes them similar to the Monoprice SR Studio). I've only tried the HD 681 in semi-closed, but the sound lives up to the reviews. Quite good for the price, comfortable as well. But I went and made the mistake of trying them against Audio-Technica MT50x's and realized that they were merely quite good for the price. So much more detail was audible with the A-T's. AKG's K240, which all of these Superlux-made cans are obvious clones of, have been selling for $49.95 at Amazon for a couple of months, so if these pique your interest, you could have the original (well, the current made in China revision of it anyway) for not that much more.
  17. Yeah, these lists, it seems like there are always some DAW's left out. It doesn't signify anything to me other than that one person who made a list forgot about them when making it. Some of the ones also missing from this survey: Samplitude, Waveform, Mixcraft, Mixbus, Music Maker, Nuendo, Cubasis (iPad), and BandLab (iPad, Android, browser). Mixbus, Waveform and Nuendo all have MacOS builds, too. MAGIX at one point were claiming that Music Maker was the most widely used DAW in Europe. This comes up in "compatibility" lists as well. Someone's always left off the list, probably ones that the company's QA team doesn't specifically test with pre-release, but they usually also say "any VST-compatible host." If a plug-in chokes Cakewalk, report it to both companies and they'll usually work it out. And if they really test their products on that wide a range of hosts, chances are very good that it and Cakewalk will play nicely together. Something that Cakewalk (as a subsidiary of BandLab Technologies) no longer has is a marketing dept. to stay in touch with other manufacturers and keep the product toward the front of their minds. Maybe some of the marketing people at other audio software companies are even stuck in "Cakewalk went out of business." but who knows how the product is generally viewed. Surely none of them follow the fortunes of Cakewalk/BandLab as closely as we do. I've not witnessed snobbery toward CbB (other than the "I switched to DAW X and never looked back" that all DAW's get) in plug-in companies' support forums.
  18. For me it seems to get re-enabled whenever a new Vegas Pro Humble Bundle comes out I install the latest version of the program(s). Then I have to go through and find the option deep in preferences and uncheck it. Yet again.
  19. BREVERB is a ProChannel module, so I don't consider this odd. It would be so nice if the upcoming payware Sonar could get some new PC modules. There are smanufacturers out there (like Boz Digital) who likely still have the ProChannel module SDK.
  20. I'm having a hard time figuring out what you're trying to do and how it is that you're not able to do it. I'll take a shot at it: You already have the MIDI track recorded, and you wish to overdub a live audio vocal while listening to the MIDI track? If that's all you're having trouble with, that should be very easy to do. It's Cakewalk's default behavior to play back previously recorded tracks while you're recording new ones. In order not to hear them, you'd have to mute them. Or: You already have one MIDI track recorded and you wish to overdub another MIDI track using the Perform-VK as the input? If that's it, have you tried checking the boxes that select the Perform-VK? If they are not checked (as they are not in your screenshot), Cakewalk won't be able to use them (this goes for any MIDI device). To get Cakewalk to record the output of the Perform-VK, you need to specify it as the input device on your MIDI/Instrument track. Same as with the other one, Cakewalk defaults to playing back previously recorded MIDI or audio tracks when you are overdubbing MIDI or audio. In order not to hear the previous track, you'd have to mute it. If you're trying to use just a new lane rather than a new track, that will mute the previously recorded lane (by default).
  21. As far as free goes, get A|A|S Swatches. It's a buffet of half a dozen or so patches from each of their soundpack add-ons. Totaling around 700 sounds last time I checked. This includes patches from their modeled guitar instrument, Strum GS-2 with various articulations like palm mutes, string squeaks, etc. Their synth Chromaphone has won "best virtual instrument for ethnic sounds" in the KVR yearly poll, and there are plenty of Chromaphone patches. Look for the patches from the Masala and Masala 2 packs. For not very much money, there is AIR Xpand!2, which is currently on sale for $9.99 at BHPhoto. It's a virtual ROMpler workstation with about 2000 sounds, and a staple for many people. Certainly for me.
  22. https://www.4-30pm.com/sound-lab/menu I had an early version of CHOSAT that they released for free, but the UI was broken. Still, I loved some of the presets. So happy to see them release an updated version.
  23. There's definitely something off about that. Now I'm vaguely remembering an issue with plug-ins that continuously report to the host that their settings have changed.... I had autosave set up to save after 10 changes, and these plug-ins were blasting out 10 changes in a matter of seconds, so the project was constantly saving. I don't remember what the fix was, I thought the devs came up with something. Bypassing plug-ins one by one will often flush out one that isn't playing nice with Cakewalk. If it's narrowed down in that way, you can start to figure out how to get them to cooperate.
  24. One of the funniest people on earth. During the time period when he and Dick were no longer performing together, he was a guest on The Tonight Show from time to time, in the Johnny Carson days. Indelibly etched in my memory is one time he was on there, and Johnny, as he usually did with guests, as they were often on to plug their latest project, asked him what he had been doing lately. Tom replied in his "dense Smothers brother" persona with a complete straight face that he was considering joining the Navy, and of course the audience laughed. But he kept it up, becoming slightly indignant that he wasn't being taken seriously, remaining in character, describing the benefits of joining the Navy. And as he went on it just became funnier and funnier. This was well before Andy Kaufman came along and took that sort of thing to the level that he did. Carson, for his part, played along very well as straight man, pointing out to him that there might be issues like his age, and Tommy broke into his trademark crestfallen face. I'm laughing now just thinking about the whole schtick. Without spelling it out, he painted a picture of this naive person getting hold of a Navy recruiting brochure and falling for the pitch at the age of 40-something. It became apparent to me that the "dense" brother was also the comedic genius behind the act.
  25. There are actually settings in each MAGIX product that allow you to turn that crap off, and they do work. No need to dig into Task Scheduler. Poke around in Preferences and you can uncheck the option to see offers. Corel Painter and Paint Shop Pro are similar. Bombardment with offers until you disable it, but disabling it works.
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