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Starship Krupa

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Everything posted by Starship Krupa

  1. I've not seen that, so maybe there's a license somewhere in limbo.
  2. Did you actually get the license? Where does it show up? What happened in my case is that I posted "Limiter," then got a DM from them with a link saying that they were excited for me to get the limiter and to click on the link if I was ready to get it now. Clicked on the link and got a simple reply saying "Get updates." Same thing from both laptop and phone.
  3. That's what it did for me, using my iPhone. And the message does nothing when I tap on it. I swear, if a college fraternity made pledges go through what I did to get a non-functioning message that reads "Get Updates," they'd get their charter revoked. Since I avoid Instagram about like most people avoid panhandlers, of course I needed to re-download their app on my phone, then log in all over again. Once I did that I kept getting the limiter message flash before me for about a second before a screen labeled "Reels" replaced it that was pretty much as I imagine Instagram to be, an endless parade of videos of imbeciles imploring me to "like" or "follow" them. Which if asked to do at gunpoint, I would have chosen the relative peace of the alternative. Is this why they stopped making new episodes of Black Mirror? Fad pastimes have gotten so asinine and representative of humanity's worst tendencies that their satires couldn't keep up? The characters in that episode where the entire society runs on how many "likes" or "dislikes" they get seemed dignified compared to this. But I like Mastering the Mix' software and having begun, I had to see it through. Managed to tap on the original post before the lost souls started their march. I felt like I was in that scene in The Magic Christian where the millionaire fills a vat with raw sewage and throws a bunch of money in so that he can watch the businessmen jump in after it. Except that it's a freaking plug-in, which I already have hundreds of, and at the end of it all, I didn't even get the promised license. Like one of those "learned helplessness" ordeals that they put lab animals through so that they can test antidepressants on them.
  4. The way I did it, after freezing and deleting the synth, the track automatically turned into split MIDI/Audio. So maybe you can skip that first step.
  5. Yeah, that's why it's 55 in the big list of dead horses. I think it was inevitable after Jesse Screed's screed. Cool live performance, eh?
  6. You didn't know? Image Line already owns a controlling interest in MeldaProduction. They're both on the toboggan toward insolvency I suppose. Give Mixcraft a trial run. They do some pretty good discounts. Not so long ago there was a Mixcraft license in a Humble Bundle. The UI and workflow are obviously heavily influenced by Cakewalk. The company has one of the strongest dedications to QA I've seen. Same people as Cherry Audio, so Mixcraft tosses in a couple of Cherry Audio synths, rather nice ones.
  7. 55. "This reminds me of King Crimson's 'Elephant Talk.'" ?
  8. I hope next time Image Line buys it.
  9. 52. "Just because you can get Sonar today with a BandLab membership, that doesn't mean that there will never be a perpetual option."
  10. Why bother. We're just going to keep having the same round-and-round threads until BandLab says once and for all "these are the licensing terms." Until then, I have a proposal. To save time and bandwidth, the next time someone has the urge to either start or participate in a topic about licensing for the upcoming Sonar, refer to the list and just post the number of the endlessly-repeated statement. First, there are only really 2 topics. A. Someone at BandLab said something about the new Sonar but wasn't specific about final pricing B. Nobody at BandLab has said anything about the new Sonar in a long time "This is weird, never seen anything like this before." "I think all this delay is just to soften us up for the inevitable move to subscription-only." "Subscriptions are where the industry is headed." "Is that Backstage Pass thing still a thing?" "I don't care what they charge for it or how, I started with Cakewalk a long time ago and it will always be the DAW for me." "If they keep us in doubt any longer I'm going to look into viable alternatives." "If they make it subscription-only I'm going to look into viable alternatives." "If they ask too much for it I'm going to look into viable alternatives." "I predicted this would happen back when BandLab started the free thing. Jokes on you, losers!" "Audition is the only subscription-only DAW" "LUNA is a viable alternative." "REAPER is a viable alternative." "Studio One is a viable alternative." "Samplitude is a viable alternative." (just kidding) "Can I import Cakewalk projects into other DAW's?" "The great Gibson debacle taught us that you can never be sure of anything." "I stopped using Cakewalk years ago, this just proves my move was the right one." "That new nag screen is heinous." "The new Sonar UI is good." "The new Sonar UI is bad." "Is Next going to be included when you pay for Sonar?" "Whatever they decide to charge, they should honor the lifetime license I paid for." "The company that sold you the lifetime license no longer exists." "You should never have fallen for that sketchy lifetime license in the first place. Sux 2 B U." "It's best to have more than one DAW anyway." "Cakewalk has been on life support for years, now they're finally being taken off it." "I'm going to go back to using SONAR, it does everything I want." "I don't need all that BandLab crap so don't make me subscribe to it." "Are they going to release the old Cakewalk plug-ins with the new Sonar?" "They need to fix the bug-ridden unusable nightmare that CbB is before they start charging for it." "Pro Tools is still the industry standard." "FL Studio is the most popular." "Can't we just shut up and be happy that CbB still works?" "MeldaProduction are clever." "I am clever." "The DAW will soon be a thing of the past anyway." "Waves took a lot of heat when they tried to go subscription-only." "New DAW users just want to string loops together." "If the product is free, you are the product." "I tried another DAW and never looked back." "They should fulfill my favorite feature request before they start selling it." "They should go freemium." "This is a whole lot of jibber-jabber." "What does REAPER have to do with this?" "What does MeldaProduction have to do with this?" "Heath and Starship should just get a room already." "Will this pointless discussion never end?" "This topic is going to get locked." "Why haven't the bakers chimed in yet?" "You, sir, are a knave, a scoundrel of the lowest order!" "I'm locking this topic because things got too ugly." So for example, instead of the following tedious topic/discussion: Still no word about Sonar's pricing "Dang, this is weird." "They should give us a discount if we bought the lifetime license." "The company who sold you that license no longer exists." It would look like this: B 1 2 22 23 Or, more accurately: B 1 2 3 10 22 23 22 23 23 22 23 24 42 47 Easy, eh? Instead of trying to beat an idea into (or out of) your forum buddy's thick head by finding different ways to state (or refute) the same concept, just use the number. Repeat it as many times as you feel it needs to be said. You may notice that many of them are questions with no accompanying answer. Can you guess why that is? In the unlikely event that someone has never seen one of these topics and would like to read one, we can refer them to one of the 37 previous identical 5-page Amish rakefights on the subject. In other words, 47 35 43
  11. Oh, go cuddle your Waves One-Knobs....this is a signal processor for ENGINEERS. Serious, no-nonsense, get-the-job-done highly technical mix-with-your-ears engineers who care nothing for aesthetics. Designed to challenge the minds of the mighty and strike fear into the hearts of the weak! Gaze upon it and despair! Just reading those labels is enough to make me want to chug a Gatorade straight from the bottle. "GENERAL PARAMETERS" "DYNAMIC DETECTION" "GATE" "SIDE-CHAIN" "ATTACK" Not enough knobs to keep you busy? There's a MULTIBAND version!!
  12. Why on earth are you still bothering with a program that obviously isn't working for you? If I were experiencing only a few of the issues you describe, I wouldn't spend another day beating my head against a wall. The world has too many DAW's in it to waste time with one that harshes your mellow to that degree. Even if the answer is budget, there are plenty of options for under $100. Waveform (Free), LUNA, REAPER, Mixcraft (wait for a sale), Studio One Artist....try 'em all.
  13. Have you tried it in a test project? I just did and here's how it worked: I started with a Simple Instrument Track, panned it 70% left, added HY-Filter4 Free (all to make sure I could hear the results). From the Synth Rack, I made sure that "Unload Synths on Disconnect" was selected, then I froze the synth. Then I deleted the synth in the Synth Rack. This left me with a track with the bounced audio from the freeze, with the original FX bypassed and the FX and panning baked in. Also the MIDI track, and no synth in the rack (and of course none associated with the MIDI track). Fur schitzengiggles I unfroze the track and it deleted the audio clip. The bounced raw audio from the clip was intact in the project's audio folder. It took longer to type than to execute. From what I can parse in your posts, this sounds like it meets all of your criteria.
  14. (incoming jibber jabber alert) I hear ya on the related software part. I think that's why so many people initially advocated for BandLab to continue to keep selling the Cakewalk, Inc. standalone plug-ins. Then the free license for the DAW would have been easier to understand. The weirdest thing about the MeldaProduction model is that they sell (and I own) a license that includes "Every plugin MeldaProduction has released (and will)." So unless they ever release something that's not a plug-in, they've lost me as a paying customer. Their biggest fans, their most loyal users, their deepest-pocketed customers will naturally wind up with that MComplete license. The only way I could give them money if I wanted to would be to buy duplicate licenses. I'm of no use to them whatsoever except for word of mouth advertising (which, TBF, I'm pretty good for). Maybe that's the idea: create an army of MMoonies to pester other people into trying them out. ? Reverend Moon himself had his followers hand out flowers as a way to get people's attention....wait, this is getting scary.... Anyway, as a Cakewalk user and given the product's history, I hold no expectation that a software company will survive forever. When I spend money, I have to know that I'd still be satisfied if product development froze forever the next day. I have to take it on faith that there will be a way to keep them authorized, but that goes for most bits of software these days. The business of selling things isn't as simple as making an item and then selling it for what it cost to make it plus enough profit for everyone to get paid. Ever since the "give away the razor at cost, make your fortune selling blades and shaving cream" concept got traction, entire industries like television being supported by nothing but advertising, stock price being the product instead of the actual product....it's complicated, things are intertwined. Has the brand recognition that the BandLab has gotten from the Cakewalk IP purchase paid for the acquisition and subsequent developer salaries for the past 6 years? No idea. I used to think that Cakewalk was like BandLab's free tote bag. Maybe it was/is and they now want to use tote bag sales to look better to stock analysts. Was that always the plan, rebuild the product's reputation and then start selling it again? Who knows except for BandLab? "Loss leader" has been a marketing concept at least as old as Gillette's razor blade gambit. Warner Bros. Records had a line of loss-leader compilation albums as far back as the 1970's. Sell one product at cost to sell other others for profit. MeldaProduction was an early adopter of loss-leader marketing for plug-ins. They made 20 plug-ins that people could use for free, and they were top-quality ones, not minimalist or feature crippled (although you can pay to add some higher level features). Free plug-ins still had a stigma (which Melda had a hand in eliminating). Now it's commonplace for top tier manufacturers like iZotope, Native Instruments, A|A|S, IK Multimedia, Kilohearts and Waves to give away fully-functional plug-ins as a means to advertise the paid products. And it works, even on cheapskates like me. I've spent hundreds of dollars on Melda, iZotope, A|A|S and IK products as a result of trying their loss leaders and being impressed. MeldaProduction's plug-ins have gone from something that you'd have been embarrassed to let a paying client see, to not-so-secret weapons that, other plug-in manufacturers have endorsed. Gee, if you can make head or tails of that plug-in, you must know what you're doing. That's why I don't hold the view that when people bought those lifetime upgrades SONAR licenses they got nothing in return. If they hadn't done that, the Cakewalk IP might not have seemed as attractive to BandLab. Noel and Jon and Ben and Morten and Jesse and the rest might have been on the job market sooner and less likely to be available to provide continuity, etc. If it helped prop up the value of the IP, maybe that kept it out of the hands of Corel or MAGIX.? For sure, the lifetime SONAR licensees didn't get what they thought they were paying for, but they didn't get nothing. Even for the ones who immediately switched to another DAW....who is it who pays for this forum to exist? How much money have people saved on audio software purchases as a result of this forum? They even allow us to post and discuss deals for competing DAW's. WTF? The established userbase is a big part of what BandLab wanted when they rescued the DAW. I'm glad that so many people have stuck around the forum despite moving on to other DAW software. It's all too complicated to figure out from my perspective, just armchair quarterbacking. Sonar will be great, we're lucky to have alternatives at whatever price point or licensing model we want, I envy us. Whatever jibber jabber gets spewed, whatever we thought BandLab promised, Cakewalk by BandLab is still available and free to use. We don't know for how long, but we never do.?‍♂️
  15. So when you say "froze," you mean you did that to your audio tracks? Instrument tracks can be frozen, too. When an instrument track is frozen "Cakewalk bounces the synth’s audio data to the synth track. Cakewalk disables the synth’s output, and disables the FX Rack on the synth track." (p. 1007, Cakewalk Reference Guide). This won't have exactly the same effect on RAM usage, as the effects are merely bypassed and the synths merely silenced, but you'll probably find (as I have) that having everything just sitting there doing nothing will use fewer resources. It will be as if the frozen track is "paused," and I don't know about you, but my Performance monitor settles down when a project is paused. Anyone recording audio and freezing synths should know about adding exclusions to Windows Defender's realtime malware scanning. It's in Windows Settings in Virus and Threat Protection. Add your Cakewalk Projects folder to Exclusions. There are others that are both safe and desirable to exclude, but I'll leave that up to you to decide.
  16. Weather Reporter Waggoner Rip Rig + Panick Drake Earth Wind and Firefall
  17. You're still using Cakewalk, though, right? Me too. See what happens when you look back? If you never look back, it grants you the right (and compulsion) to comment on any YouTube video or Reddit thread about a competing product, saying that once you tried your current favorite DAW.... If your new fave is REAPER, and the competing product has a free license, such as CbB and Waveform, you are also granted the right to mention the super-secret fact that REAPER is virtually free to use because once the trial period is over, you only need sit through 45 seconds of nag screen every time you start it.
  18. Ah, so they could follow Audition's lead as currently the only subscription-only DAW? If I were launching a DAW and trying to decide whether to go subscription-only, I'd definitely take into consideration that Audition's licensing policy has contributed a great deal to its current position in the DAW market.
  19. Providing a supported and regularly updated and feature upgraded version at no cost for 6 years has exhausted your confidence? In what? Exactly what happened with your lifetime SONAR purchase? Everyone else I know of, the software continued to function just as it had when they purchased the license, and then later on, the program was picked up by a more stable deep pockets corporation who issued a version that was 100% compatible, free to use, and continually improved upon for over 5 years. Both Gibson and then later the new company have been diligent about keeping the legacy SONAR download and licensing servers functional since the old company ceased to exist. The new company has even spent programming resources to update both the servers and the Command Center to ensure that people who purchased SONAR licenses will be able to keep using it (despite it effectively being a competitor to their own version). I spent years in the software industry, and there's nothing in this scenario that would erode my trust in BandLab. Since I've been paying attention, the one misstep I've seen them make is announcing Cakewalk Sonar and Next too early. This mistake has so far not impacted my day to day use of the program. Sonar is dropping the Theme Editor, a favorite feature of mine, but in place of it, the new UI is shaping up pretty well. Yes, this is a good idea. Anything can happen with a software (or any other) company, as witnessed with Gibson dismantling Cakewalk, Inc. on its 30th anniversary. You have firsthand experience with this. Always have a backup plan. Especially if you use the software to earn a living. There are multiple quite good DAW's with similar feature sets to Sonar's. Licensing starts at "free" and goes up from there. My recommendations for DAW's that would have the easiest learning curves for longtime Cakewalkers would be Mixcraft and Studio One Artist. There are also other options in the $100 and under price range. Heck, even a perpetual license for Studio One Pro is now under $200, and with that they toss in a year of their top tier subscription bundle. Once I would have agreed with most of what you say here, and maybe I still do, but then Image Line and MeldaProduction had to go and mess up my theories by flourishing.? Of course, wide adoption doesn't necessarily mean that the company isn't going broke getting it, but in this case I'm just going to throw up my hands and admit that the owners of Image Line and MeldaProduction (same, actually, for a while now) know many things that I don't. What would I do if MeldaProduction went casters-up tomorrow? I would continue to be happy using their products as they are now. It's not as if they need to add more features. Finally, someone posts something original! I do hope that you intend to go into more depth about this. All we need to make this topic complete is for someone to randomly mention that REAPER just got another dot release and that it's still only $60 for personal use and that you can even use it for free, and then for someone else to point out that you can't actually use REAPER for free unless you want to violate the license agreement, then yet another person to mention that they tried Studio One at the time of the Gibson debacle and never looked back. (BTW is "looking back" a common practice when switching software programs? People who change primary DAW's often mention that once they switched, they never "looked back," as if that's notable.)
  20. The issue went away as mysteriously as it appeared. And yes, I searched my system multiple times for files named Untitled Project*.*
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