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Jim Fogle

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Everything posted by Jim Fogle

  1. @EDT, I think I like your idea a lot but I want to make sure I understand your idea. Am I correct that what you're suggesting is task wizards? I'm defining a task wizard as a pop-up window with step-by-step instructions describing how to perform a task. Ideally there should be one pop-up window for each task step. Each pop-up window should also include a hyperlink that opens another pop-up window that details how to perform the step. Let's say you want to perform a specific task like copy midi between tracks. You would navigate to the task wizard menu and select "copy midi". A pop-up window would state: "highlight the midi in a track to be copied." If you don't know how to highlight then you can click on the word highlight and a new pop-up window opens that describes how to highlight. There will be a pop-up window to guide you through each step needed to copy midi between tracks. Does that describe and give an example of your suggestion?
  2. Cakemint, I am a big fan of the Cakewalk Reference Guide pdf file. Morten Saether did an outstanding job converting and updating the manual. I did not realize the guide was not included in the download once it became available. The guide is updated with each update so it makes complete sense to me to include the latest copy with each update.
  3. While there is disagreement about the review findings, I'm very glad to see Cakewalk by BandLab appears to be gaining in popularity and is a subject worth bringing up in DAW conversations. There are a lot of computer based DAWs to choose from. The more the name is raised the better chance the program has of continuing to advance in popularity.
  4. @Destire Soner, Welcome to Cakewalk by BandLab and to the forum. Thank you for taking time to share your observation and latency solution with us.
  5. Most of The Beatles records the main mix was the mono mix. At that time (say 1965 to 1970) stereo was far more popular in the US than the rest of the world but most popular albums and 45s were mono. Most record companies believed stereo was for classical recordings and mono was okay for popular music since popular music was played mostly on AM radio or jukeboxes. Read about the remastering Giles Martin did for the reissues. He spent much more time on the mono mixes than the stereo mixes. As you noted in most cases tracks were just panned hard left or hard right to create artificial stereo.
  6. At least no one smashed everything or run them through a chipper/shredder. I've seen both occur (luckily not to my stuff!). It's not purty!
  7. @bliane cox, You may want to remove your email address from your post. A lot of automated robots collect email addresses for SPAM distributors. The Blue Snowball has been available for awhile and uses the native, Windows class compliant USB driver. All that means is it works for a lot of people but isn't working for you. How does the audio sound if you use the snowball outside of Cakewalk? Have you tried using it with Audacity, https://www.audacityteam.org/, or another free to download recording program? How does the microphone sound if you use it to speak with someone over the internet? How about if you go into the Windows Control Panel and test the microphone under the record tab, how much does the VU meter move? What I'm trying to do is think of tests that can help separate the problem into either (1) there's a physical problem with the hardware, (2) a problem with how Windows is set up or (3) a problem with how Cakewalk is set up.
  8. I like some of the Behringer products. But products include other things beside hardware such as packaging, included accessories, technical support, web archives and support software. If I see packaging with bad grammar or misspelled words I'm leery. If I contact technical support by telephone and we can't understand each other, or by email and there is no response, I'm leery. If I can't find product documentation online I'm leery. Finally, if a manufacturer does not state their device is class compliant but does not provide the device driver I'm leery. There is nothing wrong with inexpensive or cheap but it likely is not the best way forward if you're thinking of purchasing a product for long term use and being cheap excludes consumer support.
  9. @Ludwig Bouwer, Thank you for including the link to your recording studio website. and providing the additional detail about the AGT process. As a hobbyist it is interesting to see how professionals present their work. One Big Room tells me you have a passion for music and production. That's an impressive website. I appreciate how you present the tools and process used in audio production to the website viewer. Will you be adding a link to the America' Got Talent video clip on your website? Tricky question because of copyright clearances perhaps. Anyhow, wonderful achievement for The Ndlovu Youth Choir and a great opportunity for your talent to gain exposure. Kudos and congratulations once again!
  10. I'm not trying to find out how far the choir advances as much as I'm trying to gain some insight into how much preparation and planning the acts need to plan for. By the time these shows air I'm sure several tapings have occurred. It wouldn't surprise me to learn the theater auditions (where the show is presently at in the process) are taped over several weeks or months to accommodate schedules. Did you prepare enough backing tracks for the choir to have enough material for multiple performances if they need them? If you don't mind my asking, are you based in the US, South Africa or someplace else entirely? If you are a music business professional even one performance of this magnitude is a feather in your cap. Kudos once again!
  11. The RX-7 has a 5 pin din MIDI out jack, doesn't it? Does your computer have a 5 pin MIDI in jack or are you using a MIDI to USB convertor cable? What activity are you seeing on the MIDI activity monitor when you hit play?
  12. Excellent job. The soundtrack sounded as good as the visual performance. Well done! Since they received four "yes" votes the choir advances to the next level of the competition. Are you providing the music for the next performance too?
  13. The Sforzando plugin is available in both 32 and 64 bit versions. By mistake could you have tried to use the 32 bit version?
  14. May I suggest the Groove 3 video series, Sonar Mixing Tutorial. https://www.groove3.com/tutorials/mixing-with-sonar YouTube videos are great. I watch a ton! But it's easy to waste time viewing a video with bad information or on information you don't need. The way Groove 3 video series are organized is just as important to comprehension as the video itself. There are 36 videos in this series that time out to 5 hours, 27 minutes and 24 seconds total viewing time. $30 US and you can download the videos and view online or offline as you desire. Load them onto a tablet or e-reader and you have a wonderful resource that you can also use as a quick refresher and reference as you try things on your own. The other deal they offer is $15 US for online only access to everything Groove 3 offers for a month.
  15. . . . and it is an excellent suggestion. I agree with you. Some people adapt midi files they find purchased or find on the internet. They'll think to look for drums on midi channel 10 but forget the drums might lie on midi channel 16. This is an easy mistake to make when starting with a midi 0 file.
  16. As you noted, a gaming headset with mic would work. I have an inexpensive Logitech usb headset I use for VOIP chats with my brother and listening to YouTube audio. Another idea is to find a freelance singer at BandLab. Post a lyric sheet and whatever music you can assemble and see where the branches lead. Depending on your budget another possibility is to hire a freelance singer. As an experiment a YouTube channel created a demo song assembled from freelance musicians and a singer for less than $100 US. The singer was female but a male actor was hired to lipsync to the female's vocal track. Quite funny and entertaining. The musicians and female singer were provided with a poorly sung vocal with acoustic guitar backing MP3 for guidance. The creator assembled acoustic drums, bass, electric rhythm guitar, keyboard and singer tracks from freelancers over the internet then added his lead guitar track. It took less than a week to farm out the job and collect the tracks. Another week to record his track, edit, mix and publish. Look this over and see what you think. Fiverr is the most well know but there are other sites: https://www.fiverr.com/ I hope your recovery goes well. As someone that has had two back surgeries and one neck surgery may I offer a little advice? Listen to your doctor. Don't do anymore or less physical activity than your doctor suggests. Most problems originate with not following the doctor's directions. You can mess up a good surgery months to over a year after the surgery.
  17. Excellent eye for detail. I missed that completely. HIBI's screenshot is not current. I sometimes recycle screen shots. That may have happened in this case. The current screen is below for comparison.
  18. In the distant past, MIDI channel 16 also was an assigned midi drum channel.
  19. While looking through the BandLab Blog I came across this short but great video about a project where BandLab is used in a very creative and positive way. I think the video illustrates very well the power of music. Here is a link to the BandLab Blog entry: https://blog.bandlab.com/changing-lives-with-music-lad-in-a-battle-at-google-i-o/
  20. The service manual pdf file linked in my prior post includes the schematic I sent it to you via personal message in case you want to add it to your collection.
  21. @user6969756591719622, Greetings! Welcome to Cakewalk by BandLab and to the forum. You can reprogram the keyboard shortcuts to be whatever you want them to be. Open Cakewalk by BandLab and press "P" to open the "Preferences" window. Down at the bottom, left select the "Advanced" button then scroll down to "Customization" > "Keyboard Shortcuts". By-the-way, at the top of each forum webpage there is a Cakewalk by BandLab tab. Click on the tab then select "Reference Guide PDF" to download the 2,188 page manual. Pages 1,917 - 1,919 describes the Keyboard Shortcuts screen.
  22. @Feesuat, what driver are you using? The latest I see on TC Electronic's support page for 64 bit Windows is V3.6.1 released 24 November, 2016. However I noticed there is a problematic V3.6.0 which was available for a VERY short time. Are you seeing the 24d konnect in preferences? How many audio outputs are available? I see only four line outputs on the rear panel.
  23. @Ron, When you get a chance please mark the thread as answered as several users suggested solutions that work.
  24. @alex_b, thanks for taking time to update the thread with the solution.
  25. @RobertWS & @kellerpj, The issues you describe share the issue of using the scrub feature. The difference is one user is scrubbing midi while the other user scrubs audio. It appears the scrub feature is broke. While I understand kellerpj contacted Jonathan Sasor via email, I've found informal reports can easily be overlooked or forgotten over time. May I suggest both of you submit a formal support request In addition to describing the issue you have with jog I would provide a link to this forum thread so the developers can easily understand the jog feature has an issue handling either midi or audio. From what I've read, kellerpj has responded in several forum threads addressing issues with jog so the feature seems to be commonly used. The Cakealk by BandLab tab at the top of each webpage has an indirect link to the support request webpage. Here is a direct link to the webpage: https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000025633 Submitting a support request will help the developers create a stable and reliable product for all CbB users.
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