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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. My dream is those in leadership are not stuffed shirts but have real world experience. I was listening to the founder of Papa John talking about leaders who never made or delivered a pizza. I worked for the world's largest optical retailer at one time and the people who help found it eventually moved on because it became more about sales and too many stuffed shirts. In some things you want people in charge who are skilled instead of a college bookworm. I've had to deal with that many times. I've come to the conclusion college educations are overrated because they don't reflect the real world. It's worse in public education and running into law enforcement. All of the things that are suppose to work don't because those who offer those same bullshit solutions never walked in those shoes. It's like being an airline pilot because you watched a plane take off and land.
  2. There is the sub model pandemic. Every FL user thinks Image Line is gonna go broke so the users keep coming up with stupid business models. This is a quote from one of the founders who had to make these posts 1000 times. We are not abandoning Lifetime Free Updates. 24 years and people are still speculating the business model is about to fail, will be changed to subscription, or makes focus only on new customers (it doesn't). The OP has enjoyed 15 years of Lifetime Free Updates. You are welcome. My favorite advice I ever got about running a business is you can't please everyone. Even if your job was to give away $500,000. Customer feedback ... I got a cheque, no-one uses those any more, I wanted cash. You suck. The tax man took 30%. You Suck. 500K wasn't enough. You suck. I crashed the Lambo I bought. You Suck. All my friends are asking me for money, it ruined my friendships. You suck. I spent it all. You suck. Please go make some music. If you don't want to use FL Studio, just close the door politely on the way out. No-one is stopping you using another DAW. People confuse their sales with the size of their company. They don't do heavy advertising or always off to shows, have offices around the globe. They don't need a large support staff and most of it is in their forum. Most like they've been contacted by larger companies to be acquired. The are a stubborn group of people that don't wnat to change what's working.
  3. That's the reason I like Live. It has that 8bit appeal or that colorform (who remembers that?) look. I never that issue with FL. I had a license before I upgraded to the full version in 2007. No one else has made that claim. Reapers shame was lack of documentation when it came out. It would've taken over by storm before now. I had a lcense when it was audio only.
  4. I often wonder in the DAW world how often we confuse innovative with shiny and new? How many professionals never change because of habit? https://www.pro-tools-expert.com/production-expert-1/pro-tools-stock-plugins-versus-premium-plugin-shoot-out-the-results
  5. https://dotec-audio.com/deedoubler.html
  6. I decided to finally mess with it. There is no VST3 version yet and if you route it to a VST3 instrument the CPU usage goes up.
  7. Ask the mods to move it. I guess people just assume we don't read other parts of the site. This is more suited for the coffeehouse.
  8. Something is wrong. The installer had VST2 checked and not 3. I don't install VST2 anymore.
  9. They are a dime a dozen. I have so many of these.
  10. Yes. I right click the installer and Run as Administrator. I happened to me all of the time.
  11. I think PC hardware is getting beyond ridiculous for the average person. I can't imagine trying to install something like this and how many cases would fit this. Hopefully in a decade top hardware will become more practical. I'm glad I don't need muscle car performance out of a PC.
  12. Is this what you mean by a water cooler? Or is it those that run with a radiator and fans?
  13. After the disappointing Claire Flute I think they are missing the "I" part in their programming. I think so many websites are set up for appearing on phones.
  14. Limited Warranty period (parts): 1 year Buyer beware. Never seen a warranty like that on a SSD. I guess some have the money to take a risk like that.
  15. I thought about Tantra but I have Cable Guys, that one from Waves, there's on from Arturia, plus Live Suite.
  16. I hate that standard. But it is Spitfire's player you are talking about. Might as well port them to Reason NNXT as well.
  17. I hate that standard. It really comes down to usable or not so usable.
  18. So I guess you can open the case and use these as space heaters
  19. I wonder if BTO still performs at events. There are some many older musicians going back into live performances. So many out there are now in their 60s.
  20. The music industry had always been about the visual. It reminds of seeing videos of EVH son who may be even more talented than his dad. People mentioned his weight but not the music ability. BTW I'm living proof that study is bogus.
  21. For once you put deleted instead of installed.
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