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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. Most of that is not necessary if one dives deep into the total FL package. The $199 bundle seems far more useful.
  2. What might make this worth it is if there is an upgrade deal on RennMAxx. You don't really need to go any further if you are not into the Waves eco system.
  3. I'm not sure it's worth the 19gb of space.
  4. Like machine limits, no online authorization? Instruments the require full Kontakt have no restrictions like other players.
  5. To me that is the equivlant of McDonalds switching to all plant based.
  6. The latter days if VH there was a concert when they did Jump which the synth part was a wav file. It was up a half step. It took Eddie a bit of time to adjust but Roth was nailing in that key. Supposedly Sir Duke was recorded in Bb and sped up to B. Trumpets, trombones, and the sax family are all based on flats and would not be that easy. There are some music hard asses that say keys are for amateurs but seeing bands live they don't always do the key that your hear in a studio.
  7. Let's not forget Izotope's loyalty offers that cry meh.
  8. They are not worth a $1 since they will not work in most DAWs.
  9. I assume if its in Waves Central but not activated it is registered. Who buys a 2nd hand Waves plugin? Plugin brokers eventually have to run out of naive people that fail to realize stuff often offered for free.
  10. Not really. Some of their Xmas sales were great. People at VI can be very cultic and a sense of mythical self righteousness. I think it's a good deal and seems to have positive comments. I will still buy 8dio stuff and anything C. Henson makes. I will also buy Kirk Hunter libraries when the opportunity comes.
  11. I'd like to see IK come up with a compression method to reduce the bloat. Using Sampletank browser is annoying for their other libraries.
  12. Nice that there are 2 authorizations.
  13. https://www.musicradar.com/news/sped-up-songs?utm_term=0DF43CE8-F433-42DB-AB57-C96579DCD55F&utm_campaign=0205D92E-E67C-43E4-B0CF-F6FEA0D1AF4F&utm_medium=email&utm_content=34974AC6-FBFE-41BA-B938-787A236F7035&utm_source=SmartBrief
  14. I pay monthly for MPV and Groove 3. MPV seems to lag in keeping up to date with new stuff. I find Groove 3 gets annoying with everything done in Logic with 3rd party plugins. Sometimes trying to translate what is done in Logic does not translate to other DAWs. I noticed this more than once. The recent one is with Scaler and often I'd get what I need from searching. I've started to buy more tutorials from Udemy. Productions may not be as polished under some instructors. I like the ones with Jason Allen.
  15. SYNTH-1 Mini Collection seems to have a broken link. Anyone try all 25 instruments yet?
  16. Go to KVR instead where I see this more ften. $25 vouchers are generic. Someone may offer theirs here but as deals is regressing the last thing we need to turning it into a swap meet. Usually someone here will offer their 50-75 voucher but not as much as KVR.
  17. https://blog.native-instruments.com/best-free-kontakt-instruments/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=Blog content en B | producers | 29/01/23&utm_id=50548665-a04b-4b1d-8cee-f2555873dbdb Knock yourself out downloading. I wonder how many of these require proprietary installers.
  18. The Maxx collection often goes under $50. I guess if death is not the option, that would be the collection I'd have no issues doing WUP.
  19. No but with the next freebies from time to time you end up with 17 waveshell vsts
  20. I wonder when the whole trap marketing will be exhausted. I think when developers give away loops it's usually Trap.
  21. LOL. Just never enough if you have the ones from IK and PA. Those missing the WUP.
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