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Everything posted by TracingArcs

  1. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/specials/komplete/komplete-now/ Komplete Now - read about it on the link. Here we go...........
  2. Thanks Larry. Appreciated. I actually spent a few years writing background music for a small video company that did travel-vlogs about Crete and other Greek Islands. And used by the Greek tourist board. The percussion is half and half live loops I made (Using Sitala the free sampler) using my own samples, played in on my keyboard . About five variations with frame drums of various pitches and bass drums.Then made into midi clips, and pasted across the timeline. And free Kontakt loops with the Splash Sound free percussion elements 1. And some loops from the Middle East Kontakt instrument from NI. I always mix loops with live playing. It adds a degree of "oops that was human" to things.
  3. Thanks Kevin. Very much appreciated.
  4. Thank you Phonobrainer. Very kind words indeed. (ps: as a child I was always fascinated by ancient Greek history, and ended up marrying a Greek and have a child with an ancient name : Thalia the muse of song, poetry and theatre).
  5. https://www.pianobook.co.uk/ is running its Advent Calendar. And here's a little thing to illustrate the Ideal Bouzouki by Fred Poirer (in the free Decent Sampler format). Includes other Pianobook instruments.
  6. Ok. You need to check out the Pianobook community. Though a number are Kontakt full. A high number are in Decent Sampler format (free), such as https://www.pianobook.co.uk/packs/winter-voices/ From there, start diving in.
  7. A very good deal indeed. I have everything anyway, But for anyone new to Kontakt, a bargain. Some libs are a bit samey. But some real crackers in there.
  8. https://forum.vital.audio/t/december-2021-free-patch-sharing-thead/8491 November's patches are now available. As usual just place the file in your Vital Docs folder. And import from within Vital. Then you can delete the original file.
  9. Love Soundethers stuff (Ambient, evolving,etc) all for Kontakt. 2 freebies at Loot Audio https://www.lootaudio.com/search-results Plus other freebie at his site (needs an email) https://soundethers.wixsite.com/soundethers/freebie-free-world I'm sure I have more freebies from him.
  10. https://www.pianobook.co.uk/packs/hunters-percussion-orchestral/
  11. Pianobook Advent Calendar has started today. With a free instrument each day for the next 25 days. Starting today with the Notebook (great little video for it). https://www.pianobook.co.uk/
  12. https://varietyofsound.wordpress.com/blog/ VoS has released the updated version of Tessla SE (64bit) analog saturation
  13. Thanks Aidan. It's a fight between Mellow and the Jazz upright at Straight Ahead which is currently at the same price.
  14. UJAM have their Mellow upright bass at 70 % off. https://www.ujam.com/bassist/mellow/ Anyone have this ? As I have a number of dble/bass vst but always want more (with a bit of character)
  15. 60% or maybe 50% off just over a month ago from Christian Henson for 24 hrs.
  16. Has to be the Zero G Elements I got from you guys today with another 20% off as I have an Ethera. Plus the three extra banks of presets from Stefano. !! You guys are so lucky that the Spitfire "The Ton" was a bust this year !
  17. Loot Audio are fine.. I've bought lots from them. However. They have just started showing prices without VAT. So add that on if UK/EU based
  18. If you want an intimate string sound (but also capable of more). Then look at Ben Osterhouse - Sospiro Strings. It has individual NKI for full ensemble, individual NKI for Bass, Cello. Viola, Violin. Highly regarded (universally excellent reviews) and a crazy price (£31 at PB). And NI have approached him to work with them. So will be going places.
  19. Here's a quote from forum member AMBi on VI-C : "OA Evolutions is solid but *extremely* specific, more so than any Spitfire library I’ve come across. Some of the Evolutions are too unwieldy, and unpredictable in both volume and tuning to be usable in most applications as you would with other texture libraries but I guess that’s one of the things that makes it special compared to those. The intimacy compared to Chamber Evos can be nice too. I’ve had it for most of the year and I can only me see myself using it in a track or two before retiring it personally. Also I don’t know why but Spitfire’s cellos tend to be the weakest aspect of some of their libraries and the same I feel is true here. The viola evos are the highlight though!" So I was in the same position (It's OA - It's Spitfire - It's an EVO!)) But have decided, not this year!
  20. Have to agree. I'm pleased the OA Evolutions is in. But that is the only thing (and it's 5 years old). Would have preferred The Chamber Evos like Fleer. I have enough electric pianos as it is. And also have BBC Discover. So will have to think what my 100 could get me elsewhere. EG Elements by the Ethera people, and something from Heavocity for the same price.
  21. This year it's...................... Olufar Arnalds Evolutions, North 7 Vintage Keys, BBCSO Discover https://www.spitfireaudio.com/shop/a-z/the-ton-2021/
  22. I think Sospiro Strings is superb as well. Daniel James and Guy Mitchelmore raved about it in reviews along with others. I also have a soft spot for his Cello Textures.
  23. Yes. Same for me. But if it was someone who was going to them for the first time. And based on the price they saw on screen. They would have to cough up more. Loot started showing without VAT a few weeks ago. And there seems to be no mention of the tax on the site till you either purchase or log in. Prior to this the price you saw was what you paid. Which was fair.
  24. You have to watch out at Loot Audio. They have started showing prices without VAT added recently. So if in the UK/EU you have to add (for example in th UK 20%). Which makes it more expensive. I've bought many things from them in the past. But this is just a trick to make them look cheaper in price to the unwary.
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