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Cookie Jarvis

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Everything posted by Cookie Jarvis

  1. Best wishes, may the force be with you
  2. Mixbus was my my go to when I used Sonar...Sonar for recording and Mixbus for mixing. Mixbus is a lot of fun to use! Now that I'm using Nuendo I'm doing everything in that but I did upgrade to Mixbus 10 so I'm thinking of mixing in it for fun
  3. I have to sign in sometimes...doesn't appear to be tied into anything like OS updates, etc. just random times it comes up.
  4. The best DAW is the one you enjoy using and get work done in...for me that's Nuendo.
  5. Congrats! There's nothing like using quality gear Bill
  6. Looking at Luna Pro but I already own- Century Tube Channel Strip Galaxy Tape Echo Oxide Tape Recorder Polymax Pultec Passive EQ Collection Pure Plate Reverb Studer A800 Tape Recorder Teletronix LA-2A Leveler Collection Thinking I'm better off doing the Buy Any 3 Bundle +2 and buying the extensions that way....does anyone know if any of the extensions are hardware only other than the Neve summing? Thanks, Bill
  7. I got my 75.00 voucher today...been getting them every month. Maybe they changed the goalposts and it's how much you spent yesterday? Bill
  8. I never ran nor wanted to run my DAW in Win10....I had a great Win7 Pro setup....then I built a new machine and went to Win11 Pro. A few tweaks and it runs great! I'm using 3 out of my 4 monitors but I only have the taskbar on the main monitor...waste of space on the other ones Bill
  9. I have my taskbar on the left down below, where it belongs Bill
  10. I just uninstalled 5 Artist that I never opened...keep thinking about upgrading but Nuendo is my main squeeze Bill
  11. I'm native TB4 but use a Presonus Quantum 2626(TB3) with no issues. Win 11 here Bill
  12. I've used CDBaby for the past 6 years and I've had a good experience with them. My quarterly payments go directly to my bank account Bill
  13. Looks like a great trip! Enjoyed the pics Bill
  14. My favorites are Toll, Toccata, and Watchmaker Bill
  15. For me TS Max to TS Max is 249...not installed I'm done with the screw the existing customer companies Bill
  16. Might be time to look into Win10 With th elicenser you could install on a Win10 machine and just copy the folder over to the Win7 machine and then copy registry over too but with the new licensing I don't know how to do it if it won't install in 8.1, sorry! Bill
  17. Hey Zo, if you're on 8.1 you can install 12, if you're on 8.0 you can probably install 12 through other means I ran Cubase 11 in Win7 with no issues Bill
  18. To be fair I built a robust system last year and can run half a dozen instances of Diva in god mode Bill
  19. I worked with the latest Kontakt 7 yesterday with no issues. Probably 6 instances with 8Dio, Lunaris, NI stuff, etc. Never had a problem with NI Access either...what am I doing wrong? Bill
  20. I'm still using my original Adam Audio A7's. $1,000 for the pair and they do a great job With that said if you can't listen to music where you are you need to either move or use a good set of studio headphones Bill
  21. It would be nice if subs were setup like Autodesk and Eon. I have a sub at both but my Eon sub for Vue is relatively cheap because it is a non-commercial sub...same software, just can't make money on it's use which is fine for the hobbyist. My sub at Autodesk for Maya allows income from software use up to $100,00 a year with the stipulation that it can't be used on a project that make more than that $100,00. I never understood why I have to pay the same as a multimillion dollar studio for the same software? Even worse if you work for a living and are just getting by you pay a lot more than someone who goes to school and doesn't pay taxes or do anything to benefit anyone but themselves! Crazy world! Bill
  22. Cubase depending on what you're looking for. As far as I kow Studio One has no sysex capability so if it's hardware synths and the like Cubase is for you, you can even create Studio Panels for your hardware to control it in Cubase. If you're looking at live performance Live is where it's at. If you're just using a lot of VSTi almost any DAW will get you there Bill
  23. I download when I purchase and then back up to bluray. If I don't have the room now I can always install later from back up when I do! It's not rocket science My current rig has 18tb of storage and has room for 4 more hdd and 1 more ssd or no more hdd and 2 more ssd. I never understood why people like to do things the hard way and then blame everyone else... Guess I'm old Bill
  24. The key is a string of numbers...look in your account or at the bottom of your invoice Bill
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