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Everything posted by User 905133
This ^^^^. As a long-time MIDI user in every instance that I ever got this message ("not enough memory available'), the cause was one piece of software trying to use a midi port that was in use by another piece of software. I seem to recall someone in the forum saying that Cakewalk is passing on a message that was reported by Windows. The "not enough memory" message has been discussed in a number of threads that I have seen. I never tried UWP to see if that allowed multiple software use of a single port. My MIDI gear tends to have problems with UWP, but it should be easy enough to test: (1) boot a utility like midi-ox and while the ports are in use, (2) boot your favorite DAW. If the DAW can switch between MME and UWP, try both. UPDATE: Did the basic test. UWP gave a different message in the same dialog as under MME: "The specified device handle is invalid." IIRC, Craig Anderton illustrated a work around for using two different midi ports on one synthesizer (possibly 1 control/editor and 1 channelized note data), but using a utility (such as midi-ox) as a midi router so one port connected the hardware and the software/control editor and a different port was used for channel data between the synth and the DAW. (Not 100% sure, but should be easy enough to find that thread.) The go-to solution that always met my needs was to just have just one piece of software trying to access a midi port.
Where i can find the affordable drum loops sample pack?
User 905133 replied to Helen Aoki's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I am not sure the OP is the person who designed and is selling the samples. To me it reads like a misplaced third-party endorsement. Though the open ended question, "Where i can find the affordable drum loops sample pack?" followed by the recommendation for a specific product seems suspect. Looking up the OP online makes me wonder even further about this post. Taken all together, to me it doesn't look like the OP is a Cakewalk user really asking where to find affordable drum loop packs. Also, the word play "Sick Sounds" seems phishy to me. But on the other hand it could be a clever cross-cultural pun. -
Good to know! Thanks for clarifying this. I have been setting up a 2011 era PC for doing music because it has OpenGL2 (required by AT5 and other IK stuff) and more than twice the power of my current Audio PC. So far AT5.1.1 has not been an issue for me, but I just started trying out AT5 about a month ago. If I run into CPU issues, I might try 5.0.3, but I have been having fun with the X-Pedals and don't want to lose them!!
X-Pedals work in 5.1.1. I thought the CPU issues came with 5.2.0.
The quick answer to your question is copy/share the *.lns [LNS] files.
Based on a quick run through of mine, I'd say it (portability w/o tweaks) depends. Many of my test Workspaces don't need any tweaks. Some (esp. the ones using multiple monitor configurations and floating windows) need to be tweaked--basically in terms of relocating and/or resizing. But for single monitors w/o floaters (i.e., maximized with all panes docked in a single, basic working area), they seem to be fine on PC 2. In terms of Views used in a Workspace and specific parameters I like, those have carried nicely from PC 1 to PC 2. One of my Workspaces ("Floating CbB") does indeed have the desired Views as floaters. But those are saved/restored as floaters so I can move them around anyway. Many of my specified task Workspaces are perfect on PC 2 (no tweaks needed)--such as "Staff Entry" (used for playing notes/phrases/ideas on a usb keyboard and then tweaking them in the MultiDocked Staff View), "LISTENING + EDITING" (used for marking up and editing oral history tapes), and many others. I have a number of test Workspaces that also work on PC 2 as on PC 1--such as a series called "No Views" (used to limit the visibility and functionality of views), a set of "SCREENSET TEST" workspaces (used to test/understand how screensets work in combination with workspaces), among others. I mention these simply as examples of Workspaces that seem to be portable (at least in my PC1 --> PC2 testing) without additional tweaks. If I were designing Workspaces specifically to share with others, I'd probably design them for that purpose. I would probably have it so the user's theme doesn't get restored as they might not be using the one I have assigned to a specific Workspace. On the other hand, someone might want to design some Workspaces to go with a specific theme. As for designing Workspaces for multiple monitors specifically to be shared, I think that would require some instructions for other users. For example on PC 1, Windows knows my main monitor as "Display 2." The scale and layout of Display 1 and Display 2 are different, but in Windows's Settings they show up as the same size so my cursor moves across the boundary between the two at the same place (i.e., top/bottom). (Yes, the resolutions of the two are different.) However, on PC2, Windows knows my main monitor as "Display 1." The scale and layout and resolutions are different and they show as being different sizes. Display 1 and Display 2 are not used on PC 2 in the same way as I use them on PC 1. I suspect that the variations I referred to in my original post are due to the different configurations of displays. Personally, I think sharing custom Workspaces could be useful. In fact, I seem to remember mentioning that possibility--along the lines of sharing themes. From what I have seen, copying and using *.lns files is easy. Tweaking them to account for differences in monitors is also easy. I agree that designing Workspaces to be shared would take time and thought, but in some cases planning portable Workspaces would be worth doing. As you know, just using Workspaces effectively takes time and understanding and many times the most efficient reply to someone is tell them to switch to "None" or to choose a different factory Workspace. I don't expect CbB users who just need a quick fix to delve into workspace portability. However, having gotten some *.lns files from other users (mainly to try to figure out issues with them), I have certainly picked up knowledge that helped me in designing some of my own Workspaces.
Last time I looked they were *.lns files. (That's lower case L-N-S, not I-N-S.) But you'd also have to share other things, like custom themes (if the theme is part of your Workspace) and you might have to do some tweaking. Update: Just copied my User folder [*.lns files] to a thumb drive and put then onto a second PC I have been setting up. There are slight variations because the two monitors on PC 1 and PC 2 are different. So (for example), one "Console on Monitor 2" Workspace had to be tweaked and resaved on PC 2.
None of my PCs are Win 11 compatible, but for the last update (probably within the past 3 days or so), Windows Update advised me my PC was not compatible. That was the first time I got that. Not sure if I would have been offered Win 11 if either of them had been compatible.
My bad!! In the interest of science I was about to give the free serial number a try--to see if it would time out in 10 days or not. However, I was mistaken--the two versions I remembered having are 8 and 9 (not 7 and 8)! I didn't realize that the gift (Ozone Elements 9) has been out for a while. So now it makes more sense to me that the limited time refers to their offering the gift and not the software's usability.
Yes, I saw that, but (1) the blub specifically references "paid serial number" (not a free serial number) and (2) underneath the part I quoted the text reads, "If you'd like to purchase Ozone Elements, you can do so in our Shop." ["Shop" is a link to their store where you can pay for Ozone Elements.] Therefore, I concluded that there must be some difference between the paid version and the free version. Since the promotion specifically references paid serial number and the one in the e-mail is an unpaid serial number, I further concluded that the part I quoted is in effect until effect I pay for a license/serial number. It could also be that the promotional material is poorly worded and that you are right that there's no need to be concerned with trial mode. If under "Using your iZotrope product" it had said, "The software will operate in Trial mode either until you authorize it with the above free serial number or until you purchase a paid serial number in our Shop" I would agree with you. However, the promotion reads as if the limited time to enjoy the "free" version is a ten-day Trail and the offer is a marketing strategy to get people to purchase a license. I already have Ozone Elements 7 and 8 each of which came with paid software. Other than briefly testing them, I don't use them. But maybe I will do a test with Ozone Elements 9 to see if it times out. If to install it, 7 and 8 need to be wiped out and I no longer have the use of them, no big loss.
e-mail I sent to IK Support 2 weeks ago: reply I got in response: I cannot speak for IK, but this is what they told me.
OK. OK. I re-listened again with a "Does Humor Belong in Music" frame of mind. LMFAO now. I withdraw the nomination. After the falsetto jump/voice crack (approx. 3'46") on the final "FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!" the over-the-topness is quite funny.
Is Tracks the same as T-RackS 5 or something different? If its the same, I see 3 T-RackS 5 qualifying options. one at the $300 level and two at the $150 level.
3X = three units in the X- series of pedals for which there are software only versions in GB25: X-TIME, X-SPACE, X-VIBE, and C-DRIVE. The hardware pedals are not part of the Group Buy, but if you look them up, you can see the description. Also, I believe they are in the current AT5 pdf manual which you can download.** The software only versions were added to GB25 a few weeks ago at the $150 level. So, if you were following the GB before then and then took off some time, you might not have seen them added. **Try this link. PS: You can try them in the AT5 Custom Shop.
ooops. that was supposed to be a PM. ?
Not sure what the Position module did in the version of SONAR you are using, but in the CbB manual there's a reference to "Position toolbar." Not sure this is what you want, but the default shortcut for G brings up the Go to time dialog. OH! This is what you are looking for: (from SONAR 3). Let me find my SONAR 3 manual so I can try to figure out what specific functionality you are looking for. Second update: It seems that the module you want has 3 sections: (1) measure/time, (2) go to start, go to end, and (3) move the now time. Hunch: It's now called the Transport Module. Let me boot CbB to check. BTW, what Workspace are you using in CbB? Fourth update: Try this (on line help) or look up Using the Transport in the Cakewalk Reference Guide.
Welcome back. Hope all is well.
So, is it true that anyone can now get on board with getting 24 free from the list by buying one qualifying item (or can get 24 more by buying a second, or third, or fourth . . . item)?
What makes you think it will end tomorrow? Are you saying that once 25,000 registered products are reached, there can be no more registering of products? Is that how Group Buys work? UPDATE: You get 24 more each time you buy in, at the level you buy into.
After the addition of the hardware, I called my local GC over the spans of 4-5 days at different times of the day to see if they had any IKM products in stock. No one ever answered the phone and there was no automatic answering system. The website did not say they were closed, but maybe they only have kiosks in lieu of staff?
Glad to see you found the cause; however, you might want to consider using something other than the MS GS Wavetable Synth. I am sure there are others in the forum who would be more forceful in advising against using it. It is problematic for a number of reasons. There are other recent threads that address this. Perhaps other users can post links to some of those threads.
Snowflakes????? I can't keep up with all the buzz words and phrases that seem to be proliferating in the War of the Words!!!! I can relate. In fact when I say things like this, my kids are quick to tell me, "You are already old! But seriously, these manufactured buzz words/phrases should not be taken for things (or people/groups) that exist in reality. They are intentionally manufactured terms often designed to sell things quickly, efficiently, and uncritically to an unsuspecting populace. Resist Labelling People! Don't Buy Divisiveness!
Are your midi tracks properly pointing to [aka routed to] a sound producing device (such as a hardware or software synth)? Is your mini piano hardware connected to your PC that you use to record midi note data in a DAW such as Cakewalk and then play back on the hardware from the DAW? I am assuming you know that midi data is not audio and generally does not make sound until you send it to sound producing device. But maybe not.