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Everything posted by SteveStrummerUK

  1. (A brief and enthralling history of nicknames) Not quite the right 'Doc' mate ? Nor this one: Del's original Cakewalk username was his initials + surname: Me, being the master of the witty quip, espoused the theory that the 'DR' part of his name stood for 'Doctor' - hence 'Doc H', or latterly 'The Doc'. Pistolpete gave me a rather unfunny nickname based on my username ('Strumpy', among others), but Del started calling me 'Strummy' and it seems to have stuck ? Alex 'The Kook' (who is Dutch) occasionally mistranslated words into English - one which followed him around afterwards was his description of eating asparagus, where he stated it was "yammy" (rather than 'yummy'). Mr Bapsi then unfunnily started calling me Strammy based on Alex's mistranslation. And then he added the 'U' back (i.e. Straummy), based on the theory than English folk put unrequired 'U's into words that don't need them (e.g. 'colour'; 'armour'), despite the clue being in the name; i.e. The English language ?
  2. "If in doubt, tw4t it down into E minor" does have a ring to it ?
  3. Bapu Johnson is right to say that BayouBill Johnson is right. Ahhh blow it out your a55 ..........
  4. It's about time the Am note got its own fred. Honorary mentions for Bill all round ?
  5. [for Wibbs]: KILLER Joe ----> KILLER on the Loose ?
  6. Thinking about it, I reckon it's time to change the name of my starboard gonad. I'm going to stick with 'Plummy' for the other one, but 'John T' seems a little dated. Suggestions gratefully received for a new name for me right testimacle. Should we do a poll? There will be an official naming ceremony on the lower meadow here at Strummy Towers. Due to Covid restrictions, you'll have to bring your own Watneys Red Barrel and pork scratchings. On with the contest ?
  7. Plummy hangs a little lower than John T ? A little factoid I'd never disclose while sinking some jars and chatting to some birds.
  8. I much prefer: =IF(ISBBAPU(Am),"Unfunny","Hilarious") ?
  9. Harrumph etc ? I appear to be have been well and truly hoist by my own petard ?
  10. Thanks mate. My problems figuring out (no punishment in ten did) Excel arise because I was a really late starter, so I've never learned it from the ground up. I stumbled into using it as a slightly more useful tool than Word Tables. Hence every time I 'need' a new feature, it's a Google search or seeking help in here ? I use it at work for basic ready-reckoning of cash in/out, and for recording/manipulating stats (as per the example I sought advice on in the OP). I'm much the same bumbling around in Photoshop - I know all the basics but if I need to delve deeper into some technique or feature, it usually entails a trip to Google or YouTube to find the answer. Rest assured I most definitely will be taking you up on your kind offer of some Excellent advice before too long ?
  11. Absolutely nailed it Des! Thank you so much for your help ?
  12. Thanks for your input Kurre. I did actually come up with this myself ? Unfortunately, as I quickly discovered, this formula treats an empty cell and a cell with a zero in it exactly the same.
  13. Further to some excellent Excel advice received in here some time ago, I'm hoping someone can help me with this ☺️ Previous advice showed me how to cause one cell to display a '1' if another named cell contained a number greater than zero, e.g: =IF(A1>0,1"") I need to do something similar, but this time I need the '1' to be displayed if the named cell is NOT BLANK. For example, if I type any value into cell A1, a '1' will appear in cell B1 Further to the screenshots above, the =IF(W7>0,1"") formula (copied down column X) correctly inserts a '1' into the 'Days Operated' fields, but typing '0' does not (I type a zero in the 'Service Users' column if no passengers are travelling but the service is still operating). Ideally, with the correct formulae in place, the example above would look like this: Thanks in advance ?
  14. Speaking of Welsh Wales isn't it that's lovely ... I once went to Barry Island. Unfortunately, it was open. Lush.
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