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Everything posted by SteveStrummerUK

  1. Now that's how to make an entrance ? Good to see you Dave ?
  2. The older I get, the younger the older boys seem to get ?
  3. I apologised once. Nothing good came of it. Sorry for interrupting your fred Bill.
  4. Thanks for the clarification Mike - I was pretty sure that was the answer but need to check (works like a dream on my Office 365 desktop version). To be honest, I was asking for a friend who's recently upgraded from Excel 2010 to v2017-ish. He's tried this and it still doesn't work in his version. Could there be something else he needs to do?
  5. Absolutely brilliant - does exactly what I wanted! Thanks Canopus ?
  6. Two quick queries if I may for the Excel literate among you. In this example: I notice in some of my Excel documents, there seems to be an 'auto-copy' feature (which works a bit like predictive text). In the example above, I just need to type the 'T' in the cell arrowed and Excel automatically suggests 'Texaco', as per the cell above. Is there any way to enable/disable this feature, either globally or on a per-document basis? I'm in 'Accountancy' mode for the money values to be listed in the TOTAL column; is it possible to have Excel display zero pounds/pence as £0.00, or is this only possible in 'Currency' mode? Many thanks in advance for any help/advice ☺️
  7. The Coffee House #1 & Coffee House #2 - Rules: Rule 4b: You can check out, but you can never leave ? HTH Del ?
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