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Everything posted by LAGinz

  1. Hey Peter (I know you’re out there?) Any idea when this CPU issue is going to be addressed? It’s definitely been awhile now, and I’m getting the feeling that a lot more attention is going toward new offerings than fixing the old ones.
  2. Anything here for us Windows guys?
  3. $225, right? I’ve had my eye on this too. I have the free much smaller version. Does this ever go on sale for less?
  4. Wow. Ok, gotta ask….what’s the hit on my hard drive for Ultimate?
  5. Seems ok here on Windows 10. Very odd.
  6. I was thinking maybe because I had Regroove Essential, I might be able to download and activate the Pro version, as part of this deal….. so I tried it. No such luck.?
  7. Yeah, I’m getting less add-ons because of other add ons with other MPS and other special deals I’ve done in the past. In addition to RX9 Advanced and it’s additional algos over Standard, I’d be getting Exponential Symphony and Stratus, and the two additional PPS algos you mention. If I did spoken voice and music, I would definitely pull the trigger, but since I do only music, I’m a bit on the fence.
  8. I hear ya man….but still must ask, even if lowest ever, is RX9 advanced $335 better than RX9 standard? I’m thinking I have everything else in that bundle already, but may have missed something. ?
  9. Very nice. I assume there is no advantage to installing 4,5 and 6….just 6?
  10. Very good deal on some great stuff. It’s a shame that with Acustica there’s always the high CPU elephant in the room.
  11. I do not think this is just “any” political issue, as some have suggested. In addition to the humanitarian issues at stake, it is one sovereign nation launching a massive invasion of another, in an area of the world that was the origin of 2 world wars, …..which gratefully occurred before the vast majority of us on this forum were born. If there is a third, it will, in all likelihood be the last. I’m not sure I agree with ILocks’ position here (their customers include podcasters as well as musicians), but before we get up in arms about innocent Russians (and there are many of them ) having to replace an ilock plug-in with a non ilock plug-in), we should take a deep breath. Perhaps it would be a bigger artistic gift to them to support world efforts to end Putin’s totalitarian regime. Because make no mistake about it—artistic freedom does not exist in such societies .
  12. WUP aside?, this looks pretty interesting.
  13. And once again....I suggest demoing before you buy. Crashed my Studio One 5.5 on 2 different Windows 10 computers. YMMV
  14. For the heck of it I tried to use my monthly $50 plus the $25, and wouldn’t work. Come on PA, step up and be a beast about this! ?
  15. I don’t think I’ve ever said anything overtly political here, but can’t let this go. Is the Ukranian gov’t as pure as the driven snow? I am sure not. Has there been an ongoing proxy war (including the Russians) going on in the Donbass for some years, during which many have unjustly suffered? I don’t doubt that for a minute. But the suggestion that the purpose of the Russian invasion is to protect the Russian speaking people in Ukraine is a total crock of Russian propaganda. The city of Kharkiv is a predominantly Russian speaking area, which Putin is doing his best to level to the ground. The parents of a close friend of mine are currently on the run from there. I can assure you they do not consider Mr Putin their savior.
  16. I’ve got to admit I’m pretty much in over load mode. I already have a few of these multi-effect do-dads. Is there really something different that this one does that is musically significant? Another “tool” is not sufficient. The tool shed is overflowing and each added one increases the time I spend looking for the “right” one. Not intended as a rant, (and certainly not against Fleer)?
  17. I remember when 2 came out, there were a few installation bugs…has that been resolved? And do I have to reinstall all the sounds?
  18. The Warm Audio mics are quality pieces. For their price, they certainly give you a nice taste of the classics.
  19. I’m not abandoning running my rig as Administrator for a freebie that I really don’t need. YMMV
  20. I assume it’s trying to do a similar thing to IK’s Sunset Studios, but with a different studio. Is it any good?
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